February 1st marks the Celtic tradition of Imbolc: the half-way point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, a time when buds will begin to appear, the inner and outer worlds begin to emerge. But who are we choosing to emerge as?
Join Jennifer & Emily for an evening of healing, sound toning and deep spring cleaning for the mind, body and soul.
Emily will lead a sound toning session using the nada yoga system, also known as the yoga of sound to help people release limitation held within the cells and vibration of the emotional, energetic & physical body & to welcome freedom of voice and clarity of soul expression in the changing world.
Emily guides highly sensitive women leaders deeper into 5D feminine embodiment within their business, relationships and life. She specifically works with women on the themes of voice & sensuality and sings professionally around the world.
Jennifer serves as an Initiator & Transformational Guide, supporting initiates through deep journeys within, inviting flow and embodiment of Divine Purpose.
Jennifer will lead the group through a process of transformation and transmutation, helping the group to navigate the liminal space between current circumstances and stepping into deeper alignment and awareness of living as your Higher Self.
Date & Time:
Monday 1st of February 2021, from 6:30pm - 8:30pm GMT / 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
Investment: £33
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