Are you clear on what lights you up, what propels you forward, on what your heart and Soul draw you towards? Move back into your body, your spirit, to remember your deepes Yes, and allow it to lay the path ahead of you!
Our lives can easily become filled with the habits of the day to day, busy schedules, perpetual demands. We can feel overwhelmed by the things we feel we 'should' be doing, and forget to create time and space for what we really love. By adjusting our lives to include what truly nourishes us on the deepest levels, we become more alive, more potent, and begin to bring heaven to earth.
During our time together, we will create a sacred space, inviting all that is wholly divine within and around you, so that you can remember and embody what you may have abandoned or forgotten. We will embrace all that makes your human life more divine, more aligned, and what makes you uniquely you.
Included in the event:
- An unfolding of the goodness within you that you have packed away over years of habit and unconscious choice, so expand your heart and your world.
- Time to gain clarity on what most aligns for you in your life now, not who you were, or who you thought you had to be. When you are clearer, it becomes so much easier to choose.
- An opportunity to recognise all that existence is offering you, so that you can awaken and evolve. Life is saying Yes to you. Are you allowing and receiving?
- A sacred space to meditate, heal, open, and witness the opportunities that are waiting for you. This is your chance to see what you could not, enabling your next steps to be more graceful, joyful, exciting!
The invitation within the event is to remember who you are in your purest state, to reawaken your understanding of the goodness and greatness within. You are a sight to behold!
Ways to prepare for the event (all optional, feel into what resonates, or add your own!):
- Meditate on what you want to get from the event. Are you asking for answers, clarity, guidance for the next step? Are you open to healing, resolution, closure, an ending of cycles? What could be the best outcome for you?
- Write a list of questions you would like to have answered, or areas you would like to explore. Journal, write, ask yourself what you are ready to receive or understand.
- Spend time meditating on your beliefs around boundaries, choice, cause & effect, and the impact you feel able to create in your life.
- Spend some time reflecting on what currently or historically feels misaligned within your relationships, health, work, body, perspectives, and emotional state.
- Build an altar or prepare a space for the call. Some like to have pen and paper, others like to pull cards, light a candle, or meditate with a guide. Do what calls you!
You are welcome to send a question to Jennifer before the event. She will cover whatever aligns with the event's content, or may answer those questions into a future event that better resonates.
The event will be held live via Zoom for around 75 minutes, allowing you to integrate any guidance I transmit. The recording will be emailed out soon after we finish, but also held within the closed membership section for those of you who are a part of the ReMembering Collective
Venue: Online, via Zoom
Date & Times: 29 May 2024 @ 7pm - 8:15pm GMT
Investment: £15 (or included within the ReMembering Collective)
*This event will be recorded and shared with those that purchase, and will also be held within the membership library.
Dates for future calls addressing Conscious Boundaries can be found via the Events page to book as and when you choose to join us, or within the ReMembering Collective, if you would like to be a part of the journey!