Continue the journey towards healthier relationships and interactions, by addressing the fears and judgements that stop you from establishing a healthy dynamic!
We all have ideas of what a relationship based in honour, love, or respect should feel like. We know that we want to experience conversations and interactions that are conscious and kind. But then we fail to speak up, we avoid clearer communication, we stop ourselves from sharing our thoughts or feelings. We do this because we are afraid that we will feel guilty, that we might be perceived as selfish, or a bad person. We fear that we will be judged by those around us, and rejected as a result. And so we choose to limit ourselves in order to remain connected, accepted, part of the group.
During our time together, we will address the most common fears and misunderstandings that stop us from committing to healthier relationships and behaviour. We will heal the outdated information within our bodies, because so much of this is generations old, and never served any of us. And we will make it easier for you to recognise that there are options, there can be another way, and that you have the courage within you to choose it.
Included in the event:
- Deep healing and resolution of old belief systems and emotion that stems from your ancestral line, past lives, the collective consciousness. Because none of us needs to continue to live the cycles of the past.
- Time to reassess the past, for any time you've been blamed, shamed, judged, rejected for any attempts to set a healthy boundary. It is time to change the story.
- Release others from any obligation to push our boundaries, press our buttons, dismiss us, or even give us permission. Choice comes from within.
- Remember what true Power is, and what it feels like to be empowered within your own body. We express power through our choices and actions, so we will remember what it feels like to be powerful.
The invitation within the event is to release the stories and limitations from the past, so that you can create a new one. One that elevates you into honour and love. I can't wait to witness it!
Ways to prepare for the event (all optional, feel into what resonates, or add your own!):
- Meditate on what you want to get from the event. Are you asking for answers, clarity, guidance for the next step? Are you open to healing, resolution, closure, an ending of cycles? What could be the best outcome for you?
- Write a list of questions you would like to have answered, or areas you would like to explore. Journal, write, ask yourself what you are ready to receive or understand.
- Spend time meditating on your beliefs around boundaries, choice, cause & effect, and the impact you feel able to create in your life.
- Spend some time reflecting on what currently or historically feels misaligned within your relationships, health, work, body, perspectives, and emotional state.
- Build an altar or prepare a space for the call. Some like to have pen and paper, others like to pull cards, light a candle, or meditate with a guide. Do what calls you!
You are welcome to send a question to Jennifer before the event. She will cover whatever aligns with the event's content, or may answer those questions into a future event that better resonates.
The event will be held live via Zoom for around 75 minutes, allowing you to integrate any guidance I transmit. The recording will be emailed out soon after we finish, but also held within the closed membership section for those of you who are a part of the ReMembering Collective
Venue: Online, via Zoom
Date & Times: 15 May 2024 @ 7pm - 8:15pm GMT
Investment: £15 (or included within the ReMembering Collective)
*This event will be recorded and shared with those that purchase, and will also be held within the membership library.
Dates for future calls addressing Conscious Boundaries can be found via the Events page to book as and when you choose to join us, or within the ReMembering Collective, if you would like to be a part of the journey!