Do you Receive what you Ask for?

Over the past few weeks, I have been given the same message over and over again- Receive what you ask for.

We can invest so much energy and effort into trying to manifest, create, call in, seek out, grasp, and cling. So many of us are trying to figure out the tricks and shortcuts, calling on our logical minds to solve a problem that we cannot see. Our blind spots, the areas we are afraid to address, make it feel more complicated and out of reach.

My message today is to simplify it all. Instead of running in circles, take a moment to sit in stillness, quiet your mind, and ask:

What have I been seeking, that is actually before me? And what are my barriers to receiving?

We build walls to try to keep from feeling vulnerable. We hide away from life. We run away from what is approaching. And this is all that stops us from having more love, abundance, freedom, connection, and joy.

The poet Rumi stated, "Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”


So ask yourself what you have invested time and energy into building to protect yourself, that is stopping you from experiencing what you truly desire.

If you are exhausted, you have built too many walls. If you are depleted, you are denying nourishment. If you feel alone, you have isolated yourself. If you feel lacking, you are filling the space with something that does not align.

The answers are all there within you, as well as the solution.

What could you strip back, release, stop doing? What would it take for you to move your focus and energy from denial, and into receiving.

We are built to receive, to interact, to play with the goodness of life. We are made to exist in a state of flow. 


Spend some time over the coming days meditating on the following:

  • Which feelings/emotions exhaust me, that I could heal within myself, and change my own perspective?
  • Where have I built walls emotionally, energetically, and with my physical world that stop the flow of incoming abundance, love, goodness? And how can I begin to dismantle them?
  • What do I truly desire that I am afraid to dream of, build, create? And is holding onto the fear worth sacrificing the quality of life I want to live?
  • What feels impossible to have or experience? Is it ok to be 'wrong' about this, so that I can re-align my life with something more authentic and expansive?


Remember that your fears and barriers are what is stopping you from living a life of more potential, opportunity, and evolution. What can you do today to begin to address these? It is easier than you think!


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