What are you willing to Surrender, to begin anew?

Today marks the end of a year, tomorrow we move into another...

While having a clear focus on what you want to do and where you want to go is important, the real first step is to surrender the obstacles that impede flow into the new. 

Today, spend some time in meditation, reflect on the past year, and identify what you are willing to burn, purge, to liberate from your energy


* What am I willing to surrender within my mind?: identities, roles, obligations, conversations, beliefs, projections


* What am I willing to surrender within my heart?: heartache, suffering, barriers, anger, fear, sorrow


* What am I willing to surrender in my surroundings?: clutter, superstition, the 'old me', obligation, the past


* What am I willing to surrender in my body?: pain, illness, disorder, control, weakness


* What am I willing to surrender in my relationships?: fear, projection, conflict, untruth, disappointment, fear


* What else am I willing to surrender that will not serve me in a new year?


Write it all down, light a fire, and burn the energies away with the paper.  Allow yourself to be liberated, to be more free and clear, and with an open heart, witness what presents itself in place of the old.


Sending all of my love for resolution and a new paradigm in 2022!

-Jennifer <3


**I'll be holding ceremony online on Sunday evening, join me then to begin the year with grounded guidance!

**It is not too late to join our Seasonal Membership, but the door closes with the Capricorn New Moon.  If you'd like to journey with us through the Winter months, please do so before Monday 3rd!


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