Distraction or Dharma - How do you know?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you're having a wonderful start to our new calendar year! There is a lot of debate over when our new year should truly be held, as energetically, 1 January doesn't always naturally hold a feeling of clean slate or new beginnings. We have assigned that ourselves. So I am not going to tell you to set resolutions, or to create grand goals that you may not stick to. I'm going to ask you to go deeper.

At this time of year, we often seek goals or ideas outside of ourselves. We are inundated with tips and hacks, online and all around us. It isn't necessarily a bad thing- joining a gym now if you truly want to join could be perfect! But often these purchases and commitments are motivated by something that we do not truly feel within. And if we are unable to align with a goal, the chances of success drop rapidly over time.

So instead of looking at this week as week 1, look at it as week 12, or 24, or 40. We are in Capricorn season, which inspires us...

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Have you been waiting for your fresh start?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying your final day of Winter, and feeling ready to step into Spring!

Over the years, I have witnessed clients and students create some pretty incredible changes in their bodies, minds, and lives. And while those grand shifts are inspiring and exciting to watch, they never happen without the implementation of some healthy boundaries, choices, practices, both before and after.

We already operate within so many cycles, rhythms, and patterns. We live with seasonal changes, growth and die off of the natural world, a dance with the elements around and within. And the more that we can tune into the cycles of life, the easier it becomes to navigate.

I have been holding online events over the past 5+ years, connecting with the cycles of the moon, Solstices, Equinoxes, Eclipses, because I know that when we tap into the bigger picture, we can ride the energetic waves, recognise when it is time to rest and reassess, and when to take a...

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What are you leaving behind?

New Year, Better Flow...

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season, and are enjoying the beginning of a brand new calendar year. One of my favourite aspects of this time is opening a fresh, clean diary, and beginning to write in new plans and dreams for the 12 months ahead. What is your favourite ritual or practice this time of year?

Speaking of practices, I wanted to send a quick note about offerings over the next few months. We are now heading deep into Winter, but out of the darkness, and the plan is to provide events that reflect the energies present within the cosmos and here on Earth.

*For those nearby, dates are being confirmed for in-person Meditation & Subconscious Healing at the Wee Retreat in Glasgow. Numbers are growing again, and we're aiming to fill the studio, to open hearts and minds with each event.

*In terms of online offerings, we have seasonal events with Imbolc, and Equinox. Imbolc marks the...

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What are you willing to Surrender, to begin anew?

Today marks the end of a year, tomorrow we move into another...

While having a clear focus on what you want to do and where you want to go is important, the real first step is to surrender the obstacles that impede flow into the new. 

Today, spend some time in meditation, reflect on the past year, and identify what you are willing to burn, purge, to liberate from your energy


* What am I willing to surrender within my mind?: identities, roles, obligations, conversations, beliefs, projections


* What am I willing to surrender within my heart?: heartache, suffering, barriers, anger, fear, sorrow


* What am I willing to surrender in my surroundings?: clutter, superstition, the 'old me', obligation, the past


* What am I willing to surrender in my body?: pain, illness, disorder, control, weakness


* What am I willing to surrender in my relationships?: fear, projection, conflict, untruth, disappointment, fear


* What else am I willing to surrender...

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Are you able to harness the ancestral wisdom within?

Happy January and Happy New Year!  I hope that your start to 2021 has been graceful and fun!

At this moment, both the Sun and the Moon are sitting in Capricorn (along with Venus and Pluto, there's a lot happening!).  Because there is so much happening in this earthy sign, I wanted to take a moment to share some insight, to support you over the next week or so.

As we move around the zodiac, we more towards experience and wisdom, which is exactly what Capricorn embodies.  Think of Capricorn as Grandmother/Grandfather energy, embodying the knowledge of experience and learning over vast periods of time, and the patience and compassion of one who has experienced or witnessed hardship.  There is patience and understanding in every choice that is made, a willingness to deepen.

Capricorn is also a Cardinal sign, meaning it is willing to be initiated to new ways of living and being, new insight and knowledge, with the capacity to evolve.  The symbol is the...

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Reflecting on the Past & Welcoming a New Age

The week between Christmas and New Year is always one of my favourite weeks of the year.  I spend time reflecting on what I have done, all that I've worked towards, what I have accomplished, and what is still evolving.  

As this year has been so unique, I am finding that the usual questions I ask myself do not apply as much as they normally would.  This year has been a year of meditation, introspection, of pivoting, and being more creative and inventive.  We have been given opportunities to change focus, to flow in new directions, and to shake up the paths we have followed so that we can perhaps find another.  As I spend time looking back at 2020, I am reminded of all that I have accomplished, mostly in ways that were not predicted or planned for.  

My highlights include a trip to Cambodia to visit the school I had helped to build.  I started the new year in Cambodia and Bali, two magical, beautiful, delicious...

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Are you ready for the end of a Decade?

Hello beautiful beings!  I just wanted to check in today, as we near the end of a year, and the end of the decade!

Are you ready to truly live a life that is aligned with your Purpose?
Are you prepared to make different choices, that will contribute to living a life of alignment?
Are you willing to challenge your beliefs, your habits, your paradigm, so that you can create something better?

Most people I know would answer ‘YES’ to each of those questions, but then stumble or struggle with the application.  We often know which choices and actions would serve us, but fail to follow that wisdom.  We can see the path, but end up going in circles instead.
I find that understanding your inspiration can help you to find your path and follow it with focus!  We often need to remember the why in order to continue to choose.

To help you gain some clarity and some inspiration, here are a few points to ponder:

*How do you want to feel every day?...

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