(i.e. What are you afraid will happen if you allow yourself to have what you want?)
I listen to people frequently talk about what is lacking in life. They visualise, speak, imagine, and work towards their ambitions and goals. They work so hard to create.
These are also the same people who have a hard time receiving. They reject compliments, support, affection, recognition. And if you refuse to receive what you want, you can never expect to have it.
The reason we resist is because we are afraid. We invest time and energy into stopping events, or trying to control others, because we are afraid of what would happen next.
My question for you:
Are you stopping yourself from receiving what you desire because you also fear making the change?
Your comfort zone is too small for your biggest dreams.
Your daily comforts and habits are minuscule, compared to your purpose.
Your ‘normal’ is duller than your deepest desires.
What are you afraid of?
What are your...
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