This week, we finish the Autumn season and move into the darkness of the Winter months, into introspection, an opportunity to delve within. Can you remember the last time you really gave yourself time and space to do this?
We will connect online (and/or you can watch the recording at your convenience) on the 21st at 7pm, to light a fire within. This is an opportunity to clear the spaces that have become the most stagnant, dark, heavy.
We also move into Capricorn Season, Cardinal Earth, where we can feel held and supported as we assess and build foundations for the end of the astrological year. The next few months invite us into maturity, wisdom, elderhood, which will prepare us for planting and new beginnings of Spring.
This week is a great time to ask yourself about the beginning of the end, and ways to prepare yourself and your life for transition, evolution, change. Remember that endings are the required first step for something new. Allow the space to clear, for the old to...
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