Are you carrying the remains of who you were?

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2020

Over the past weeks (especially during this eclipse season) I've witnessed layers and layers falling away.  Old ideas and identities have not held up, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to shed them!

One common issue that I have witnessed repeatedly in sessions and courses, is a feeling of heavy burden and obligation what can weigh life down.  And nearly all of it is attached to old roles and identities, and ways of living that no longer align.

We are energetically carrying the false identities of who we 'used to be', wondering why we are exhausted, confused about the load we carry!


"Oh what we could be if we stopped carrying the remains of who we were" -Tyler Knott Gregson (one of my favourite poets, here's his website!)


Our feelings of burden and exhaustion are clear indicators that we are limiting ourselves with obligation, promises to be a certain way, when we know it is not authentic, it is not true.  Life is not heavy, living is not a burden.  But if you choose to deny or suppress your authentic self, your hopes and dreams, it will feel that way.

Today, choose life, choose love, choose authentic expression.  Liberate yourself from the daily deaths that we choose each day, when we stay small, quiet, when we lie to ourselves, and hide from others.  Allow 2020 to be the end of your limitations, the habits that are toxic, unhealthy, unhappy.  Relieve yourself of the remains of who you have been.


What roles, behaviours, identities are you ready to set aside, to become a truer you?

Which limiting perspectives are you ready to wipe clean, so that you can acknowledge the truth within?

Which breakthroughs are you willing to witness, in your words, actions, body, spirit?


Please let me know what answers and insight you received, I'd love to hear from you!  Sending lots of happy thoughts your way today <3

-Jennifer <3


**And if you would like to be supported in setting aside these remains, and planting beautiful seeds for the future, I'll be holding ceremony online for the Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse on Monday!  Click HERE to learn more!**


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