Are you Radiant, or dimming your Light?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are beginning to burn more brightly at this time of resurrection and meaningful change! While the past few weeks may have felt hard, tiring, difficult, or confusing, it feels that we are reaching a culmination point, where the shifts are bringing forth something new within us.

As I meditated this morning, the word that kept coming through, louder and louder, was Radiance. And it feels as though it is time to more deeply understand what that means for each of us, individually.

When I feel into that idea, I see fire, light, expansion. The darkness begins to withdraw, and what has been under shadow can either finish, and/or new inspiration can emerge.

Over the past few years, many of us have seemed to dim. We have withdrawn into ourselves to do some deep work, to end old patterns, to examine the conditioning and what has been perceived as normal or accepted. This time of stillness has served a purpose, but it is coming to an end. It is time...

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