Are you Radiant, or dimming your Light?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are beginning to burn more brightly at this time of resurrection and meaningful change! While the past few weeks may have felt hard, tiring, difficult, or confusing, it feels that we are reaching a culmination point, where the shifts are bringing forth something new within us.

As I meditated this morning, the word that kept coming through, louder and louder, was Radiance. And it feels as though it is time to more deeply understand what that means for each of us, individually.

When I feel into that idea, I see fire, light, expansion. The darkness begins to withdraw, and what has been under shadow can either finish, and/or new inspiration can emerge.

Over the past few years, many of us have seemed to dim. We have withdrawn into ourselves to do some deep work, to end old patterns, to examine the conditioning and what has been perceived as normal or accepted. This time of stillness has served a purpose, but it is coming to an end. It is time...

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Do you fill the silence, or create space for it?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling some spaciousness within body and mind after yesterday's Gemini New Moon! I had a recent realisation that has made a meaningful difference in how I communicate and receive information, both physically and energetically...

Over the past few months, I've found myself engaged in conversations that were lacking in spaciousness. In each of these, I was interested, engaged, and learned a lot within the sharing. But felt that something was lacking, and that I came away missing something.

And recently, I had a conversation with a friend where we asked each other questions, and allowed time and space to sit with the answers, to breathe through the unconscious thought or distractions, and feel into the deeper truths. And even within a much shorter conversation, I walked away with more clarity, understanding, and a deep sense of being changed within.

A great example of 'less is more'.


I would encourage you to pay attention to...

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Do you fit in, or Belong?

Even though we've moved out of watery energy we've inhabited for most of March, many of us are still working with our current relationships, attempting to navigate the next steps. And the Libra Full Moon on Sunday is really going to help us to gain discernment on our alignments, or lack of.

When it comes to relationships, we can overcomplicate things, feel lost in the layers, overwhelmed by the moving parts. A relationship between 2 people also includes subconscious perspectives from their parents, siblings, grandparents, ancestral lines, community, cultural expectations, and influences from many differing points of view. You are a world interacting with another world. (And we wonder why it can feel difficult!)

I find that when decisions, understanding, or any other aspect of a relationship feels complex, the consistent answer is to strip it back to the core. And a core issue that surfaces repeatedly is a desire to belong. Brene Brown beautifully defines belonging, and what it is to...

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How can you ensure success?

I am often asked about what it takes to be successful, about the belief systems that hinder our success, and what we can do to ensure success.

The best answer I’ve got: Immerse yourself in your craft, simply become so amazing at it that it becomes a part of you, and as you live and breathe it, success will come to you.

Over the years, I have offered hundreds of free taster sessions, attended numerous fairs, given talks, facilitated workshops, taught hundreds of courses, guided and healed thousands of clients… I did all of this with the intention of mastering my craft. I am fascinated with the energetic world, with vibration, with our intuition, and what is ‘beyond the veil’. I continue to deepen my understanding of what it is to be an energetic being living a human life in this plane, and love to witness this in my life and that of others. My curiosity and desire to experience and learn has inspired all that I have done.

Authentic beings...

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