Some news!!

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the autumn season, the longer nights, and time to reflect!

I have a few announcements to make, and I am so excited to share the news with you!

The first is that the school in Lombok, Indonesia we've raised money for has been built in under a week! It is the world’s second earthquake-resistant school made of recycled plastic blocks – turning plastic waste into a valuable commodity AND using technology that enables robust schools and homes to be built in under a week.  (Watch the build HERE!)

Our team has raised £24k of the £28k needed, and we have created an online auction to cover the final costs.

Prizes include a week in North Provence, online courses, creative experiences, paintings, candles, and small gifts under £50. Or there's the option to Just Donate or purchase a Sponsor a Block Gift Certificate (a great gift!). Check the auction out HERE




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