Welcome to Virgo Season! We are invited to reconnect with the goddess, the maiden, the High Priestess, and discover new ways to express these archetypes and their virtues in our daily lives.
The archetype of the High Priestess is one I have frequently meditated with over the past few years. She is dedicated to the divine, to healing and growth, and to bringing these to the earthly realm. She is an alchemist, one who can harness the best of what is around her to manifest and create in real time, here and now. She witnesses the magic in nature, the elements, the body, life, and uses these to direct, amplify, change the energy around her.
Take a look at what you surround yourself with, in your home, office, and the spaces you inhabit. Each of these possessions was chosen for a reason, all have a signature energy, which can amplify what is within you. Crystals behave in the same way- they each have their own healing powers, but really what they do is amplify what they resonate with. And so if you choose books, clothing, souvenirs, decorations that reflect your greatest qualities, they amplify in what you express. But if you surround yourself with things that have no real significance, no real resonance, you can feel off, out of alignment, and dulled.
The High Priestess surrounds herself with people, plants, books, art work, and other possessions that amplify the best of the space she is in, and what is already in her. She is in flow with the environment that she consciously creates. It feeds and supports her in the service she offers to the world.
I would encourage you to spend the next few days really examining what you choose to keep in your surroundings, and identify what they are amplifying within you! Ask yourself the following:
* Does my clothing, jewellery, shoes etc bring out the best within me? Do I feel like ME when I wear them? Do I feel like a fraud, or that I want to hide away? What could I wear that feels like home?
* When I examine my space, do I light up? Do I feel at home? Do I love what surrounds me, or could I change things up?
* Do my surroundings feel old, out of date, tired? Does it reflect who I was a decade ago?
* Does my consumption match a higher energy? Could I eat differently? Move differently? Spend differently? What could I consume that could raise my energy to match that of my Higher Self?
Doing the inner work will help to inform your choices, supporting you to create an environment that inspires your best work, your greatest service. I look forward to hearing about the changes you make!
*For those of you who would like to learn more about the power and amplifying energy of crystals, I will be teaching a Crystal Remote Viewing course in Glasgow, 11-12 September. Please get in touch to learn more, spaces are filling now!
**And we'll create with the Virgo New Moon on Tuesday evening, the energy is already building!
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