What is the quality of the life you lead? (Relationships post 3)
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more energized and inspired, awakening from the slumber of the Winter months!
This post is the third in a series of three (click Here and Here for the other two). Today we'll focus on a powerful driver for the relationships we create, and the life we lead. And it all revolves around our ability to gain clarity on the quality of life you want to live.
Understanding this ties in heavily with how you want to feel, and what you value, but once we gain clarity on quality, it helps us to lay the foundation for the way we live, and what we subsequently create.
For many many reasons, we can often settle in terms of quality. This shows up in buying choices based in lack, accepting items that do not last, and that we do not really love. You may see clothing in your wardrobe that just hangs there unused, because the items don't feel great when you wear...
Today, I wanted to simply connect with you about finding the beat, and what it means to be in flow, and then 'stick the landing'.
In times of great change, initiation, creativity, expansion, we can move out of ourselves, meaning the conditioning and fixed perspectives that can weigh us down and cause us to drag. The dragging can feel like monotony, depression, closing off, retreating within, or simply losing the feeling of life, colour, texture.
But sometimes, within the vortex of change, we can feel a bit lost, overwhelmed, or that we have lost touch with the touchstones that give us a sense of direction, rhythm, momentum, the beat of life.
So really, its about learning to dance the flow of living.
In reality, we are meant to colour outside of the lines, to add beauty to the mundane. While also remembering to stick the landing, to hit the 'one' beat.
Think of it like jazz, modern dance, gymnastics, ecstatic movement, where you feel unencumbered, but know that there is an...
The Gift of Ritual => Conscious Creation
One of my main focuses over the past decade has been around Conscious Creation, it feels like the key to everything. When I feel into the energy of a conscious choice, a realisation, or a moment when I lean into a new possibility, there are a few things at play.
1. I am Present. I let the distractions drop, my mind becomes calmer, everything slows down a little. Feel yourself move into the present moment now...
2. I am aware of Cause & Effect. I understand that what I choose now will create something else, which can build momentum if I continue to follow. Begin to see the threads of what you are living in this moment, based on what you chose in the past...
3. I remember what I have chosen in the past that has not worked, and what has. I have discernment to understand from a higher perspective, without regret or fear directing me, simple clarity of the greater laws of creation. Allow yourself to feel and witness...
Welcome to Virgo Season! We are invited to reconnect with the goddess, the maiden, the High Priestess, and discover new ways to express these archetypes and their virtues in our daily lives.
The archetype of the High Priestess is one I have frequently meditated with over the past few years. She is dedicated to the divine, to healing and growth, and to bringing these to the earthly realm. She is an alchemist, one who can harness the best of what is around her to manifest and create in real time, here and now. She witnesses the magic in nature, the elements, the body, life, and uses these to direct, amplify, change the energy around her.
Take a look at what you surround yourself with, in your home, office, and the spaces you inhabit. Each of these possessions was chosen for a reason, all have a signature energy, which can amplify what is within you. Crystals behave in the same way- they each have their own healing...
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