What would inspire you to take action today?

Over the past few weeks, I have held a lot of sessions and conversations around internal vs external action, and the difference in outcomes.

Many of us have been taking time 'out', or maybe more IN. There has been a lot of thinking through things, connecting with emotion, creating more awareness around motivations and expectations, and the connection between mind, heart, body. I know that a lot of answers have surfaced, 'aha moments' realised, and some settling and centering of energy. And it has been important to process through these and to bear witness to the internal resolution and healing that has been unfolding.

So what now? The temptation to continue to sit in the internal can pull us from active learning and healing into passive waiting or delay. And there is a fine line between conscious patience and planning, and avoidance of implementation of the learning.

As we move towards the Autumn months, we move towards the harvest, where we reap what we have sown over the past...

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Is it possible to bring Heaven to Earth?

Hello human beings, I hope that you are feeling beautifully aligned! There are SO MANY things happening right now, and with our approach to a new sign of fiery Aries, and a new season, you may be feeling a push to get things done, but not feel you have the energy/grounding to make it happen.  Sound familiar?

Here's the good news- The moon has just entered Virgo, and for the next 2+ days, we are going to be guided in clearer ways.


The mutable Earth energy of Virgo is nearly halfway through the zodiac, nearly half way through a journey.  This is the point where we are committed to the path, have benefitted from the effort and learning, have an idea of what lies ahead, and a willingness to see it through.  We're in for the long-haul.

So if we look at the human journey as birth into human form, learning about how to interact and create within this plane, and then sharing this with humanity as an act of service, before we exit left, this is the point...

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Do your Surroundings Reflect your Magnificence?

Welcome to Virgo Season!  We are invited to reconnect with the goddess, the maiden, the High Priestess, and discover new ways to express these archetypes and their virtues in our daily lives.  


The archetype of the High Priestess is one I have frequently meditated with over the past few years.  She is dedicated to the divine, to healing and growth, and to bringing these to the earthly realm.  She is an alchemist, one who can harness the best of what is around her to manifest and create in real time, here and now.  She witnesses the magic in nature, the elements, the body, life, and uses these to direct, amplify, change the energy around her.  

Take a look at what you surround yourself with, in your home, office, and the spaces you inhabit.  Each of these possessions was chosen for a reason, all have a signature energy, which can amplify what is within you.  Crystals behave in the same way- they each have their own healing...

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Are you creating a new paradigm, or reliving the old?

We are finally moving into the energy of spring, feeling more awake, more alive, and ready to create again!  I know that since the last New Moon, I have felt like a new person, with more energy, more focus, and back into the swing of life and creation.

As we move out of hibernation and into rebirth and new growth, we can feel that there are many options, perhaps a few crossroads as well.  We can often feel overwhelmed with choice.  But the beauty of choice is that is provides opportunities to create, to learn, and to evolve.

Spend some time this weekend meditating on your current trajectories.  Are they the same as before?

If they are, I would encourage you to expand your vision, and invite in new possibility.  This year is not meant to be lived as the previous.  The world is evolving and changing in so many ways, and so will we, if we honour the process, and welcome the wisdom.

I know that opportunities that I would have jumped at even a few...

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Virgo New Moon: Are you planting seeds that you truly want to grow?

We are moving towards an amazing New Moon in Virgo. I wanted to break this down a bit so that you can take full advantage of the magic we're immersed in this week!

First, the New Moon...  I see it as tabula rasa, a clean slate.  Take a moment to feel into the energy of a clean slate, a new beginning.  Feel the calm, the quiet, a sense of peace.

The New Moon is dark, without light.  For some, this can feel unnerving, with an inability to see what is coming, what we are moving towards.  But in the darkness, the past is erased, there is no set path to follow, nothing to fulfill.  You are there in the quiet, within your heart, fully present.  And fully open to possibility.


In the few days surrounding the New Moon, we plant seeds for the coming weeks and beyond.  We are able to make decisions regarding the experiences we would like to have, the ways we want to feel, and the quality of life that we want to live.

Close your...

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