Are you ready for Eclipse Season?

Hope is an interesting word. I think that for many of us, it brings a mix of perspectives and memories.  People are afraid to hope, have felt let down by it, feel it is beyond grasp or understanding, or are simply unfamiliar with it.

I see hope as a very grounded experience of manifesting in alignment with our true selves, and making choices that create possibilities for what we deeply desire.

True hope is not false, airy-fairy, or ungrounded.  It is something that can be made tangible and real, something you can invite into the physical, into your relationships, into your plans and creations.


We are approaching a New Moon in Taurus, a truly magical time to begin new projects, new relationships, new habits and ways of living.  (Or simply revamp what you've got so that it works and feels fresh, healthy!)

And on Wednesday, we enter eclipse season, 6 weeks where the veils thin, where the immovable begins to soften, where stubbornness can surrender, and we can wipe the slate clean in many aspects of our lives.  MAGIC!


I want to encourage you, especially this week, but also over the coming 6 weeks, to meditate on HOPE and what it could mean for you. 

Stephen King wrote "Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

Just as love, kindness, compassion, and peace never die, hope is a constant, always there, ready for us to remember its presence, and to live it more fully.


Points to Ponder:

*What strengths within me can I trust to support me, guide me, help me to create the outcomes I desire?

*How can I be hopeful and proactive at the same time, allowing myself to take steps towards what I value?

*If I lived a life of grounded hope, trust, and conscious creation, what could change in my life?


Allow yourself to play in the magic, with your feet on the ground.  Build heaven on earth, live as the divine being you are, wholly embodying the humanity that invites hope into your world.



Taurus: Earth, Fixed, Venus, Bull

Right now, we are immersed in the power of Taurus! With so much energy being held by this earthy energy, we are invited to slow down, take stock, and plant seeds deep, for strong foundation.

Join Jennifer in Ceremony on 11 May @ 7pm to take stock of a new world


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