Are you ready for Eclipse Season?

Hope is an interesting word. I think that for many of us, it brings a mix of perspectives and memories.  People are afraid to hope, have felt let down by it, feel it is beyond grasp or understanding, or are simply unfamiliar with it.

I see hope as a very grounded experience of manifesting in alignment with our true selves, and making choices that create possibilities for what we deeply desire.

True hope is not false, airy-fairy, or ungrounded.  It is something that can be made tangible and real, something you can invite into the physical, into your relationships, into your plans and creations.


We are approaching a New Moon in Taurus, a truly magical time to begin new projects, new relationships, new habits and ways of living.  (Or simply revamp what you've got so that it works and feels fresh, healthy!)

And on Wednesday, we enter eclipse season, 6 weeks where the veils thin, where the immovable begins to soften, where stubbornness can surrender, and we can...

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Are you ready to live your Fate?

(i.e. Are you choosing the path, or avoiding it?)
I don’t know about you, but the next month or two feels as though we are walking hand in hand with fate.
I just finished reading a new Stephen King book, where he talks about how the most important events move on a hinge.

Our choices initiate the swing of the hinge, and our actions commit us to the path.

I believe that we can make small subtle choices, continually adjusting, continually searching.  Or we can open wide, be courageous, and commit to the path that we are here to serve upon.
What we choose and commit to now, will ripple through our lives, our trajectories.  And you can choose to be aligned with Purpose, or you can take the long, hard road… Which will you choose?

A few questions to meditate on, to help you along the say:
*What am I carrying/doing that is weighing me down?  Does it really align? And will it still align in 6 months?

*Am I able to see the potential long-term effect of a...

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