When did you last connect with your Inner Child?

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2020

Happy Sunday!  I hope you are enjoying this Quarter Moon in Pisces, which invites us to play in the energy of the unknown, in possibility and opportunity!

I spent this week reconnecting with my inner child, remembering the simple ways to have fun in my life.  So I've been doing a lot of singing and dancing, some art, writing, and reading.  I've been asking my imagination to expand, along with my intuition, so that I can dream beyond my comfort zone and my knowing mind.  Needless to say, this week has been lighter and brighter than previous weeks!  It is amazing to witness what shifts when the decision is made to change focus and activity!

I was co-running an event a few weeks ago, speaking to a group about the power of initiation.  And in real time, I was offered an opportunity to navigate one myself.  An aura migraine was triggered, which not only effected my vision, but also my speech.  While the timing was terrible, I can see that what happened is exactly what I was asking to experience, on some level.

And life is like this- it is always responding to the questions we ask, our curiosities, the areas in which we want to dig deeper.  And in some way, we always get what we ask for.

When we ask to have more love in our lives, we then are given opportunities to witness the ways in which we limit love.

When we desire to connect, we feel where we have disconnected, rejecting others or ourselves.

As we call in opportunities for evolution and change, the Universe provides opportunities to surrender, to release what limits us, so that we can truly embrace and embody the new.

Since that Initiation, my energy has shifted in profound ways, expanding my intuitive senses, healing my body, and bringing new insight into relationships and circumstances.  And today, with the Pisces moon, I am working with my imagination and inner child to dream bigger, and create a life of fun!


Who wants to play?!  Spend some time in meditation today and ask yourself...

What are you asking existence for right now?

Are your questions being answered in the best way for you, or could it be more fun/clear/graceful?

What changes are you preparing yourself for right now?

What would you like to learn? To feel? To experience within the next few weeks or months? 

And are you willing to navigate these experiences with lightness and wonder?


Please let me know what answers and insight you received, I'd love to hear from you!  Sending lots of happy thoughts your way today <3

-Jennifer <3


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