What is dulling your Light and Life?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the energy of the Full Moon! These few days have been shining light on our inner darkness, and the way we constrict, play small, or dampen our gifts.

I have been meditating on the fact that we are luminescent Souls, capable of magnificence, carrying the wisdom of the ages. But within the human realm, we expend so much energy dulling this, through our fears, doubts, and subconscious patterns. In truth, it is exhausting to pretend that we are less than, when it would be easier to simply exist as we are.

This week, I encourage you to meditate on your biggest fears of showing up, and being your brilliant self, and recognise how much suffering is created by following your fears instead of the light within.

That light within is your divine self, the true part of you that understands who you are and why you have chosen to be present in this lifetime. The answers you are seeking are within you, already present, and asking for not only...

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When you feel hindered, how do you find your way?

Do you follow fear, or your future?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating this eclipse season with some grace! The energy has been pretty intense over the past few weeks, and we have a few more to go before eclipse season draws to a close.  And in the spirit of using what is present to our advantage, I have an idea for you to lean into and consider...

The obstacle is the way.

This idea came to mind when | was teaching a workshop recently, and it has been present in my awareness since then. It comes from Roman Emperor and Stoic Philosopher, Marcus Aurelius. He wrote, "The mind adapts and converts to its own purposes the obstacle to our acting. The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way." 

Over the past few weeks, I have been confronted with my oldest insecurities so that I can work through them and heal them. I had the privilege of meeting a favourite poet last weekend, and instead of fully...

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Have you found your new Rhythm?

Expanding the Self

Hello beautiful beings! I have just returned from a long weekend in sunny Spain, and have been reminded of the importance of travel.

When we travel, we leave our comfort zones behind, what we know, our daily routines, along with many aspects of our identities.  The little things that we use to reinforce who we believe we are, are disrupted, we are not able to rely on the hundreds of cues and reminders that would be present in daily routine and regular setting. Once these have been disrupted, there is more space for new potential, within the mind, body, spirit. And I feel that this is a major part of evolution-the ability to relinquish aspects and identities that have become too fixed, too confining, so that we are able to redefine and rediscover ourselves and new 'worlds'.

Even having just a few days outside of my home, office, city disrupted patterns of eating, sleeping, working, consumption.  I read different books, wore different...

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Is it possible to bring Heaven to Earth?

Hello human beings, I hope that you are feeling beautifully aligned! There are SO MANY things happening right now, and with our approach to a new sign of fiery Aries, and a new season, you may be feeling a push to get things done, but not feel you have the energy/grounding to make it happen.  Sound familiar?

Here's the good news- The moon has just entered Virgo, and for the next 2+ days, we are going to be guided in clearer ways.


The mutable Earth energy of Virgo is nearly halfway through the zodiac, nearly half way through a journey.  This is the point where we are committed to the path, have benefitted from the effort and learning, have an idea of what lies ahead, and a willingness to see it through.  We're in for the long-haul.

So if we look at the human journey as birth into human form, learning about how to interact and create within this plane, and then sharing this with humanity as an act of service, before we exit left, this is the point...

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Are you able to unite the divine within?

As the feminine Moon has moved into Leo, the sign of the masculine Sun, (and currently Venus and Mars are dancing together in the cosmos), there is a great calling to create a union within.

Within family and society, we are taught that the Feminine and Masculine are separate entities or energies, that they often fail to match or work together well.  We may have had parents or families that struggled to communicate or nurture the 'other'. But in reality, like most things within this plane, there is a spectrum, and we all move within it (often swinging between extremes), expressing different aspects through our choices and actions.

Think back to what you were taught in your childhood about what boys played with, wore, did, versus girls. And remember your parents' characteristics and the ways they carried themselves, expressed themselves, interacted with each other and the world...

These subconsciously shape our ideas of what female and male are, what they...

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Do your choices follow your mind or heart?

Hello human beings!  I hope that your year has started with love, grace, and joy!

With aspects of the world unravelling and time unfolding in new and often unexpected ways, I am continually reminded that we chose an interesting time to exist in this world!  Congratulations for your courage, you are here to help shape a new future.


We are currently held by a lot of Capricorn energy, which wants to support high ideals and standards, integrity and strength.  We want to build cathedrals, inspiring works of art, what is holy and divine.  With Capricorn, we want to build beauty, for now and the future.  We dream bigger, bolder, but grounded in what will be of service, and have a lasting impact for good.

And with a full moon in watery Cancer, we connect more consciously with emotion and intuition, and it quickly becomes clear where our dreams match with our current state of being, and where they do not.


As human beings, we can have...

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Can you feel negative emotions without Suffering?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the end of eclipse season with lots of grace and love!  We are in a powerful portal, leading up to the Solstice on the 21st.  If you are feeling stagnant, it is time to shake yourself up!  If you are feeling lost, it is time to come back home, back to heart and soul.


In the Northern Hemisphere, we are navigating the end of Autumn, harvesting gifts and lessons, integrating the experiences we have lived since Spring, and receiving all that we can, in order to embody the wisdom that has been offered.  

From the 21st, we begin the descent into Winter, and into the depths of ourselves.  We turn our focus inward, to recognise the significance of our conversations, decisions, karma, and the courses of action taken.  It is a time for reckoning, healing, and resolution.

As we move into Winter, end of the astrological year, it can bring up strong views on the word Death, on endings, and on...

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Have you entered the temple of consciousness, or are you wandering in the wilderness?

Historically speaking, we are in an interesting place (I think that's the one thing we can all agree on right now!)  The events of the past few years have highlighted the duality within humanity, and brought a lot of fight, anxiety, and fear to the surface.  We argue over human rights, healthcare and wellbeing, power, freedom, and what each of these mean to each of us.

In truth, we all want to feel better, healthier, more aligned, more harmonious within.  We just have different ideas of how to get us there.


Recently, I have been meditating on modalities, philosophies, religions, different paths, different paradigms.  I have come to the conclusion that each of these is simply a key or a doorway.  But I am not interested in those... I am only interested in what is beyond.  I am only focused on what is behind the door.

I believe that we lose our way when we become too fixed on the mode of transportation, the map, the...

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How do you connect with your Humanity?

Hello fire walkers and water bearers!  The Sun is moving into Leo (courage, heart, nobility), and the moon will be full in Aquarius on Saturday (mystical, unpredictable, radical).  What an amazing combination of inner heart, and outer focus!

For many of us, wading through Cancer Season has been difficult in various ways.  Those of us doing big inner work have moved into the depths, learning to breathe under pressure.  We are now starting to see the rays of the sun, brightening the surf and surface, beckoning us into the warmth of Leo. (We'll focus more on this during the Leo New Moon, but allow yourself to step into summer now!)


As the moon moves into Aquarius, our hearts expand beyond ourselves and our tribe, to the wider collective.  We remember the humanity within us, and around us.  I will admit, my faith in humanity has wavered some over the past few years, but I am holding onto hope.  So I have been asking to see the helpers, to...

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What do you Worship?

We are nearing the end of eclipse season, a time to clear your mind and body, to recalibrate your course, with fresh eyes and intuition.  For many, the past 6 weeks have been changeable, a bit of a roller coaster, unsure of the coming days or even moments.  As this energy begins to settle, we can assess what has altered and what has remained. 

For those who have been more courageous, consciously editing their minds and lives, what remains will be strong, and have integrity.  These are the foundations to build upon, they will last.  If we have hesitated, or allowed ourselves to remain in wishful thinking, there may still be options present that lead to nowhere.


Over the past year or so, I've been contemplating what God is to me.  I know that we can have some conflicting beliefs and ideas about the divine, so I've started to question/ponder what is worthy of my worship, praise, devotion.  We all 'worship' different things in...

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