THIS is THE Work. Are you living a Courageous life?


2020 has been a challenging, transformative year!  I am so grateful for all that has healed, and diligently working through whatever is still in process.


"Its times like these, we learn to live again"- Foo Fighters (cool video here)

I know that over the past few weeks, I've felt elated, excited, inspired, exhausted, frustrated, and everything in between.  In these moments of perceived chaos, I find myself reconnecting with the wisdom of Daring Greatly (below you'll see part of the speech by Teddy Roosevelt, and the image to the right will link to info on on Brene' Brown, who is a master of speaking about Vulnerability & Courage.  And you'll love her Netflix special, The Call to Courage)

I share the above info because I know that in times of evolution and revolution, the worst thing we can do is put up...

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