Can your Vulnerability strengthen you?

(i.e. Is your stubbornness stopping your evolution?)

There is a part of me that can appreciate a little rebellion.  There are times when shaking up the ‘status quo’ is good for the world.  But I can also see how we can become stubborn or fixed when we feel that our rights or desires are being pushed or threatened.
Where does fixation become so fixed that we lose sight of our true desire?

The issue of ‘standing up for myself’ has come up pretty regularly with clients over the past few weeks.  When we delve into why it needs to be done, there is always a fear of being threatened, manipulated, or of something being taken away.

But you cannot be ‘manipulated’ without permitting.
Nothing can be taken from you without your allowing.
And you can never be threatened if you are not afraid.

We resist what we are afraid of, of what we do not understand.  And if you do not understand how to say no, set a boundary, change the dynamics,...

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