What a month its been! I feel that for many of us, its been a bit of a roller coaster, whirlwind, washing machine, but I can sense that the noise and topsy-turvyness of it is beginning to change...
This weekend marked the meeting of Jupiter and Uranus. Basically, this is where your goodness and greatness gets a boost in unexpected and interesting ways. Seriously, who is ready?!
I spent a lot of time meditating, writing, and dissecting my mind and my life. There were some strange moments, fears uncovered, and discomfort felt on a lot of levels. I had a dream that I was within a corridor, and behind each door was one of my deepest fears. The temptation was to keep the doors shut, to 'wait it out', to simply let things lie. But when I awoke and meditated on the meaning, I realised that keeping those doors shut meant that I was delaying great healing and insight AND I was cutting off part of myself that are actually useful, strong, and wise.
Behind one door, I was keeping a vast and...
Hello beautiful beings! It’s been awhile since I’ve connected in this way, it has been quite a year so far!
I know that for many of us, 2018 was a difficult year to navigate. We were provided with opportunities to face some of our biggest challenges and fears. And so 2019 is the year to not only face them, but to make the changes necessary so avoid creating what no longer serves. This process can feel unsettling, or often destructive. But as we release old ways of thinking and being, we create space to allow a more expansive present and future.
So what can you do to move forward with more grace?
*Identify your best sources of support, and lean in.
Who are the cheerleaders in your life? Who consistently encourages you to stretch beyond your comfort zone? Who offers to help you, support you, or simply listen, when you feel that you could really use it?
Schedule a coffee, an evening out, a weekend away, or regular chats...
(i.e. Is your stubbornness stopping your evolution?)
There is a part of me that can appreciate a little rebellion. There are times when shaking up the ‘status quo’ is good for the world. But I can also see how we can become stubborn or fixed when we feel that our rights or desires are being pushed or threatened.
Where does fixation become so fixed that we lose sight of our true desire?
The issue of ‘standing up for myself’ has come up pretty regularly with clients over the past few weeks. When we delve into why it needs to be done, there is always a fear of being threatened, manipulated, or of something being taken away.
But you cannot be ‘manipulated’ without permitting.
Nothing can be taken from you without your allowing.
And you can never be threatened if you are not afraid.
We resist what we are afraid of, of what we do not understand. And if you do not understand how to say no, set a boundary, change the dynamics,...
On some level, we all fight the experience of Love.
We ask, beg, and plead for love, and then reject loving experiences as they are offered. There is always a complex mix of ideas, images, and feelings that float to the surface as we consider what the word love means. The layers of misaligned ideas develop as a result of millennia of human beings grasping at love, but failing to truly understand.
As we develop relationships with partners, lovers, friends, we know that we want to create loving experiences. But we fail in our attempts to inspire, create, cajole, or evoke love within ourselves or another, because we have too many conflicting beliefs about what love really is.
Those who have lived in abusive relationships will often associate love with abuse. If ‘the people who love you, leave you’, we believe that love leads to abandonment. We have associations based on our experiences, but we are blaming love for the areas in which love has...
What wisdom are you bringing to 2018?
The end of December is one of my favorite times of the year. I love it because work winds down for the holidays, and I set aside time to reflect, to gain perspective. It is a powerful few weeks.
As I look back, I remember what I’ve gained over the year. And this year has been a time of growth and of letting go. Here’s what I’ve got so far:
At the beginning of the year, I focused on my core desired feelings (via Danielle LaPorte, check her out). These represent how I want to feel as much as possible, and there are some subtle shifts each year. My words for 2017 were:
Purposeful, Luminous, Bold, Dynamic, Aware, Fascinated, Aligned, Awakened, Spirited, Devoted
Next year, I’ll be asking for more dynamism and luminosity, fine-tuning my experience.
Theme of the Year: What would Prince do?
The answer: Whatever the hell he wants to do. It is always liberating to do what you truly desire, what really aligns.
Be more like Prince....
50% Complete
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