Are you swinging between polarities, or have you found Resonance between?

Narrowing Polarities

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the polarities of life with grace!

I have spoken about polarities and spectrums of emotion, belief, and behaviour over the years, but I wanted to take some time to expand awareness...

The reality is that we are all operating within thousands+ of polarities. In some areas we will swing conservative, in some more liberal. In some areas of communication we will shut down, in others we will shout out! In fact, if you look at any patterns of behaviour or beliefs, you can recognise a spectrum where you tend to operate.

When you are more aligned, healthier, more 'healed', the polarities are much less extreme.  You don't really swing from one side to the other. We are much healthier in our beliefs and perspectives when we land in an area that feels resonate, where we understand what we really feel and value, and our responses are more consistent.

The areas where we tend to swing wide are where we are...

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