Events with Jennifer

Find ways to join me (and my amazing tribe) below, both online, and in-person!  We are ready for you!

The ReMembering Collective

Join Jennifer within the newly redesigned Collective!

Summer's journey will include an exploration of the Healing Journey, and how our deepest Wounds help us to develop our Greatest Gifts.

Learn More about the Collective & Event Dates Here

Mid-Season Online Event

Cross-Quarter Day

Celebrate the Season, our live event will be held via Zoom on Thursday, 1 August @ 2pm EST | 7pm BST

Investment: £15 OR included as part of our ReMembering Collective

We will connect for meditation, healing, and to celebrate the growth as we look to the future Harvest. This is a time for you to shine from within, witness the light that you cultivate, and continue through the season with open eyes, heart, and mind.

Join Us at Mid-Season

Resonance & Creation, Shadow to Light

LIVE Turning your Wounds into Wisdom Event 4

Wednesday, 7 August @ 2pm EST | 7pm BST

Investment: £15 OR included as part of our ReMembering Collective

Develop your knowledge of the potential terrain, so that you can not only anticipate the problems, but address them before they begin. By anticipating the future you can write it in a way that better serves!

Join Us!

Creating your Calling, Living as a Leader

LIVE Turning your Wounds into Wisdom Event 5

Wednesday, 21 August @ 2pm EST | 7pm BST

Investment: £15 OR included as part of our ReMembering Collective

Surrender identities you may have become attached to over time, so that you can grow into something more. The world is asking for movements, missions, greater ways of living and being. It is time for you to share what only you can offer!

Join Us!

The Genius of your True Nature

LIVE Turning your Wounds into Wisdom Event 6

Wednesday, 4 September @ 2pm EST | 7pm BST

Investment: £15 OR included as part of our ReMembering Collective

Remember the strengths and virtues already within you, so that you can share them with the world. Not just for yourself, but for all who are impacted by your existence.

Join Us!

Pisces Lunar Eclipse

Online Event

Heal and evolve with the first eclipse of the season! Our live event will be held via Zoom on Tuesday, 17 September @ 2pm EST | 7pm BST

Investment: £15 OR included as part of our ReMembering Collective

We will connect together to meditate, heal, and explore the depths of Intuition. This is a time for you to re-align with what matters most, following your innate gifts and inner wisdom, towards your greater goals and dreams.

Join Us at the Eclipse

Alignment at the Equinox

Autumn Online Event

Bring Harmony into your inner and outer world with the start of the Season! Our live event will be held via Zoom on Sunday, 22 September @ 2pm EST | 7pm BST

Investment: £15 OR included as part of our ReMembering Collective

We will connect together to resolve the distractions, imbalances, and extremes in your daily life. This is your opportunity to remember what it feels like to be whole and complete, as you harvest the goodness that you have been cultivating throughout the year!

Join Us at the Equinox

Want to co-create a course experience with Jennifer?

I co-create with hosts to plan my certified courses, both in-person, and online! If you feel called to support me in planning, organising, manifesting students, and creating a beautiful experience, both for yourself, and your tribe, I would love to hear from you! I am excited to travel for in-person classes, or work with the times and dates that suit you online, wherever you are in the world. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of being a host, and ways we could work together, please book in a call with me to talk through the possibilities!

Book a call to discuss!

Evolution Awaits

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