Are there benefits to being 'pulled out' of Time?

I recently flew from eastern USA back to Edinburgh, and am dealing with the inevitable jet lag that accompanies the long trip.

An in perfect keeping with the message of this blog, as I attempted to type out 'jet lag', my fingers chose 'Jen lag', and the phrasing could not be more correct!

As I type this out, my body is unclear about the date, day, or time. I'm not sure if I'm hungry, hangry, sleepy, asleep, or somewhere in the middle of all of this. I suspect that some strange middle point of everything, all sensations, all awarenesses, is where I really 'am'.

I often think of crossing time zones as traveling both through time, and somehow over it. The elevation of the plane takes us out of the normal schedule of the day, and sets us back down in two - my body still feels 5 hours behind, my mind struggling, exhausted, trying to move 5 hours ahead.

This liminal or double space feels uncomfortable, and part of me wants to race ahead a few days, to when my own inner clock will have...

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Is Enlightenment possible for us mere mortals?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling supported and inspired within the final few days of eclipse season! We are approaching an Aries Super Full Moon, a super charged opportunity for first steps, pure thought, new direction, a clear beginning. Think of the past 6+ weeks as a clearing out of the old perspectives, habits, emotions, memories. We are approaching a rebirth threshold. Accept the gift, and use it to the best of your ability.


I have spent a lot of time lately researching and meditating on aspects of enlightenment, awakening, raising vibration, mastery. So much of what I have explored approaches these as processes that are too ethereal for the body, too disconnected to understand - as though awakening is only possible at death, once we have moved into another plane or purpose, or in a way that is so disconnected from what our minds can understand, it becomes incomprehensible.

But I believe that as human beings, part of this collective...

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How do you calm the storms within you?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you are all well! I am currently in the southeast of the USA, recently weathering the storms that moved through the region last week. I was fortunate enough to be in Savannah (tornadoes, wind, and lots of rain), but feel grateful for the land, the city, and the good fortune of being in an area less affected by the storms (and many thanks to Abby and Jenny for looking after me so well!).

Those further north had a very different experience, normally not affected by these coastal storms, but now having to suspend plans, strip back to the basics of life, and simply look after themselves and their neighbours. These storms often remind me of what is necessary and important, a reminder to relinquish what is not needed in the moment.


Our second eclipse of the season, this time a Solar Eclipse in Libra, feels aligned with the storms in many ways. Whenever I meditate on its energy, I am shown the relationship between the Sun and Moon, Masculine and...

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What does true Surrender feel like?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you are swimming gracefully with the Pisces Moon!

The moon is now in Pisces, with the eclipse less than 24 hours away! In the UK, the eclipse window will be in the middle of the night (1:41-5:47), but the moon will remain in Pisces until 10:24 tomorrow morning. So I would encourage you to hold any healing meditations or ceremonies before it moves into Aries. You're welcome to join us tonight (and repeat if you desire!)

Energetically, we are swimming in Water (but held gently by Earthly Virgo). So the time for healing, evolving, and unfolding is now...

But instead of feeling rushed or pushed to fit it all in, I am going to encourage you to pause, relax, surrender, release.

Imagine that you are in a large body of warm, calm, gentle water. There is movement, but the water is buoyant, it holds you, supports you, and allows you to move and flow at your own pace. Your body can totally relax, your mind is at ease, you know that you can trust what is...

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Can you Surrender to the Wisdom that Heals you?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the first weeks of eclipse season, allowing yourself to flow with what it present!

As our first eclipse is activating the Water Element within us to such a strong degree, I wanted to take some time to support your deeper dive into yourself, your feelings, and the unknown.

I know that for many of us, our watery aspects can potentially feel difficult to sit with, manage, or witness. The potential for change, depth, and expansion are so nourishing, but can also help bring to surface aspects that we may have tried to avoid or forget. The message today is to remember that you can swim, float, spin and dance within whatever is present. Especially if you remember to surrender.

We can perceive surrender as something negative, a giving up, feeling lost or losing. We may feel afraid of the movement of water, of its depths, and access to the unknown within the energy. But when we allow ourselves to surrender, the miraculous can...

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How do you stop casting shadows, and begin to Light the Way?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the power and heart of Leo Season, and are feeling just a little more courageous, a little less timid or small!

Every once in awhile, I hear a narrative about how when you shine brighter, you're more likely to be hurt, attacked, to evoke jealousy or fear. The storyline revolves around how goodness triggers others toward harmful thought or action. While this idea serves to turn people into victims and martyrs, the good news is that it isn't true...

Take a moment to really think about it - When was the last time you witnessed something that was wholly good, innocent, pure of spirit, and wanted to lash out at it? (I bet you didn't - I bet you wanted to cuddle that kitten or hug that child, or elevate what you were witnessing!)

The false narrative usually stems from a well-meaning person who is trying to 'do the right thing', but has allowed their wounding to motivate them to act in ways that lack in alignment or integrity. More...

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Are you striving to cope, or choosing your next paradigm?

I've been speaking to a lot of people lately who have been working so hard to cope. They are trying to find ways to shut down their anger, fight their cravings, suppress sadness, so many manners of 'control' that only add to the stress and fatigue.

In our earliest years, we begin to create coping mechanisms to deal with whatever we cannot manage. When we feel overwhelmed we may distract ourselves, dissociate, or create pain in one aspect to pull us out of the pain of another. So much energy goes into creating these strategies, and while they may 'help' for awhile, they really only prevent us from finding a deeper alignment.

I wanted to share the idea that I have been meditating on lately - I no longer want the ability to cope within my current circumstances, or the paradigm I am in. I want to heal and evolve to match the next.

Take a moment to sit with that idea - that instead of treading water in the circumstances and choices that make you feel as...

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We are made of stories. But how true are yours?

Every memory we recall, every bit of gossip we share, every bit of wisdom we offer has a story behind it, and within it.

Think about it for a moment - even the purest moment of epiphany becomes a story. You recall aspects of where you were, who you were with, how you felt in the moment, and then how you began to respond. You recognise the cause and effect of the choices you made, the changes you chose as a result. And you can recognise what lead you to the realisation in the first place, the series of events, what triggered or inspired you.

In one sense, the story is incredible useful, becuase it helps you to create meaning, or understand yourself in new ways. When we look back at our lives, or those of our family members, we can see points plotted out over time, that shaped perspectives, experiences, quality of life, and direction. 

And if we can continue to see things from that higher perspective to learn and apply the wisdom, we're in a good place to learn and grow.

What can...

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Will you turn away, or take the next step ahead?

Having just gone through the Solstice, with the longest day, we begin our swing back towards the Equinox, the balance point. I have a fascination with Solstice extremes, and the turning point from one movement to another. I've written before about how this is like being on a swing (my favourite as a child!), that moment of weightlessness, where you are neither rising nor falling, the body is seemingly suspended, the air feel still, but full of anticipation for the next moment of movement...

That moment is the Threshold, the edge of liminal space, just before a choice becomes action, or a thought becomes words. That moment is ineffable, difficult to define in words or concept, but that is why it has the potential for so much.

At the beginning of every year, I draw a card for each month. For July, I pulled The Threshold - its guiding words are The Door, The Gate, The Initiation, and represents growth, individuation, and ease in the Liminal.

Take a moment to feel into those...

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Are you still trying to prove your worth?

Today, we swim and surf with the Cancer New Moon, a beautiful opportunity to reinvent your identity, to engage your intuition to guide all that you create, and to choose more expansive experiences over the coming season.

I have spent the past few months consuming information around creation, manifesting, and what is required to create change - not only on a mental or emotional level, but within the physical reality too.

The relationship between these has always fascinated and sometimes confused me. Over the years, I've witnessed instant healings, where the body shifts on command. But I have also struggled to open channels to various other aspects within the physical realm. I've explored areas of failure and success, worthiness, proving, striving, allowing, receiving, so many facets that could influence the ability to experience something 'greater' than the current state.

A few weeks ago, I stumbled onto this quote - "I believe you have a responsibility to comport...

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