Creating Rhythm...
Following the cycles of the cosmos and seasons is a powerful way to focus, to heal, to reconnect with clarity.
I invite you to join me to surrender your fears, your pain, and your limitations. And to welcome in new opportunity, possibility, and conscious creation.
Each event includes karmic clearing, resolution of ongoing learning, a release of withheld communication, and healing of painful emotion. Together, we will create a spaciousness within, enabling you to focus your creative energy, calling in all that you are ready to live, experience, understand. We will connect with the energy of creation within you, focusing on deep desire and integration of your highest vibration.
Each New Moon provides an opportunity to begin again, tabula rasa. During the dark phase of the moon, less light creates more freedom, as we lessen our ties to the paths that no longer serve us, and choose anew. This is a time to plant seeds, to take our first steps in a new direction, and to embrace freedom and possibilities for new growth.
The Full Moon shines bright, allowing us to witness all that we have created, providing an opportunity to discern what is working well, and what we can release from our lives. We are invited to declutter our lives, to say no, to liberate ourselves, and to walk away from anything that does not contribute to health and happiness.
Each event's investment is £15
OR is included within the ReMembering Collective
Pisces Lunar Eclipse
Expand your heart and mind, enabling you to dream bigger for the rest of the year!
We will connect for meditation, healing, and to gain clarity for the next 6 months ahead. This is a time for you to remove the blinders and filters to your sight, to be guided by what really matters, and move forward with more honour and higher love.
Book for the Lunar EclipseAlignment at the Equinox:
Sunday, 22 September@ 7pm
Join Jennifer online for the Equinox, to embrace harmony and alignment! At the Equinox, day and night are of equal length, it is a time for awakening and rebirth, an opportunity to rise up, into your highest self.
Connect with Jennifer to begin the season with clarity and support in creating your highest potential.
Libra Solar Eclipse
Shine new light on your relationships, complete unresolved Karma, and clear the way for healthier, deeper connection!
We will connect for meditation, healing, and to gain clarity for the next 6 months ahead. This is a time for you to shed obligations and identities from your past, so that your essence can shine through, bright and true.
Book for the Solar EclipseWinter Solstice Event
Shift your gaze within, to Heart & Soul, and deepen your connection with your Inner Self and World!
We will connect for meditation, healing, and to calm the body and mind as we re-align within. This is a time for you to listen to the whispers of the heart, and to spend time within your own inner santuary.
Book for the SolsticeWhat others are saying about our online events...
"Wow, just wanted to say this ceremony was amazing and exactly what I needed! I feel like I’ve been really expanding into having love and compassion for all, and deepening into love and service. I will definitely repeat this ceremony a few times. Thank you so much!"
"I just wanted to thank you for the new moon ceremony. It was such a powerful moment. I felt truly vibrant, within all my body. I am really, really grateful, and feel it was greatly needed."
"I'm in awe and feel blessed by tonight's session. So much I could say, what you gave us and spoke reflected many things that have come up for me very recently - even down to words, phrases and ideas that i've received in last few days. This is a perfect time for the new."
"So great to watch on catch up yesterday and loved the meditation. Thanks as always for your time, expertise and passion during all of your calls."
Ways to prepare for the event (all optional, feel into what resonates, or add your own!):
- Meditate on what you want to get from the event. Are you asking for answers, clarity, guidance for the next step? Are you open to healing, resolution, closure, an ending of cycles? What could be the best outcome for you?
- Write a list of questions you would like to have answered, or areas you would like to explore. Journal. write, ask yourself what you are ready to receive or understand.
- Build an altar or prepare a space for the call. Some like to have pen and paper, others like to pull cards, light a candle, or meditate with a guide. Do what calls you!
Please join a few minutes before we begin, ensuring that you have everything you need to feel connected and present! Payments are final, no refunds or transfers are given.