The Philosophies behind my Approach...


My Points of View...

My journey has been one of deep exploration—into Intuition, Healing, Boundaries, Dharma, Purpose, Initiation, and the profound spiritual teachings that shape our human experience. I’ve come to understand that there are countless paths to truth and wholeness. Each of these aspects offers us a way back to ourselves—a lived, authentic knowing of who we are and why we’re here.

Call it intuition, psychic ability, or simply your inner compass—it’s that knowing beyond knowing. Intuition is our birthright. It’s how we access truth that transcends the noise of conditioning and belief. We are energy, and because we are energy, we can feel it, hear it, see it. When we shut down this gift, we disconnect from a world of understanding. So much of our struggle—physical, mental, spiritual—comes from ignoring this innate guidance. But when we tune back in? We align. We expand. We see life from a fuller, more vibrant perspective.

The desire for healing is universal. Some seek relief, others want closure, and many are trying to break free from karmic cycles that loop through their lives. But I believe the deepest gift of healing is Presence. When we heal, we come into the now—the eternal moment where peace and power reside. When we’re no longer bound by the past or afraid of the future, we can respond to life from a place of clarity and choice. Healing gives us the space to feel what truly aligns, free from old wounds that keep us in cycles of pain.

We all carry wounds. These patterns repeat in our lives because they hold our greatest lessons—and our greatest potential for awakening. Once we understand and integrate them, they show us our path of service. Through our pain, we cultivate empathy, compassion, wisdom. If we have the courage to face our suffering, we emerge as leaders, healers, and human beings capable of profound connection. Our wounds become our wisdom.

Purpose → Service
We’re all searching for meaning. What I’ve seen time and again is that true purpose is found in service. We serve through our work, our relationships, our communities—by showing up as our most authentic selves. When we serve with love and integrity, we not only heal our own past, but we also lift others. And that’s where the real fulfillment lies—in having an impact, in knowing that we’ve made a difference. We are wired to serve.

Initiation cycles are the most mystifying, and yet the most transformative. These are the chapters of life and death, endings and beginnings, ego dissolution and rebirth. They’re not linear, and they rarely make sense to the logical mind. We resist them because they challenge our identity and the roles we cling to—roles that may no longer serve us. But when we surrender to the process, we enter a deeper connection with soul, purpose, and a life that feels profoundly meaningful. Whether in our careers, relationships, or the natural cycles of our bodies and minds, the initiation process invites us to evolve. And when we embrace it, everything becomes more graceful, more aligned, and infinitely more powerful.

A Deeper Dive into the Experiences That Shape Me...

The experiences that have woven through my life have deeply shaped who I am, how I move through the world, and how I show up in service to others.

From the time I was a child, I’ve been intensely sensitive and intuitive. I could feel the energy of a room, sense what was unspoken, and see things that others seemed to miss. At first, I thought it was just my imagination running wild or that maybe I was a little strange. Nobody else around me was talking about these things. But as I grew, I realized that we’re all intuitive. Some of us are just more tuned in, more willing to embrace it. I’ve since learned that I have Hyperphantasia—a vivid, heightened ability to take in intuitive and energetic information. For years, I wrestled with this. It was overwhelming, like trying to hold back a tidal wave. I tried to numb it, quiet it down. But eventually, I came to understand that these sensitivities are not burdens—they are my greatest gifts. And when I set clear energetic boundaries and leaned into understanding the energetic realm, I stopped fighting who I was. This is my nature. It’s meant to be embraced, nurtured, used.

I was raised within a religious family, with Sunday services and youth groups as part of the rhythm of life. I struggled with a lot of the dogma I encountered over the years, but I also found beauty in the lessons of love, in Christ Consciousness, and the power of serving a community. One of the greatest insights I took from those teachings is to “take the best and leave the rest.” I learned to discern between the higher truths and the human opinions. That discernment has been a guiding principle in my journey—whether I’m exploring spiritual philosophies, healing modalities, or life lessons. I don’t reject what doesn’t resonate; I simply take with me what makes me thrive and helps me love more deeply.

Bringing together the pure teachings of my childhood with my own intuitive knowing, I’ve come to understand that we all have a Dharma, a unique purpose. It is alive within us, always guiding us. When we resist it, we suffer. When we recognize and surrender to it, we awaken to our wisdom and the ripple effect we’re meant to create in the world. Our gifts, our experiences, the lessons we carry—they all point us to our path. The path has always been there, but it is often time, healing, and perspective that help us see the signs and patterns clearly. Once we start to piece it all together, our Dharma unfolds naturally.

And as we heal—heal the past wounds, the misconceptions, the untruths—we awaken. We step into who we’re meant to be.

My History (the short version)

My professional and spiritual journey:

Over the last 28+ years, my journey has been one of devotion to understanding the depths of the subconscious mind, identity, creation, and the vast realms of consciousness. With a BSc in Psychology earned in 2001, I spent over a decade working with youth and adults with complex needs in the USA and UK. In 2008, I felt the call to explore healing and philosophy more deeply, becoming certified as an Acu-detox Specialist. The following year, I stepped into the role of Reiki Master Teacher and trained as a Theta Healing practitioner and instructor, traveling across Europe and the U.S. to learn from the founder herself, eventually becoming one of the UK’s leading Theta Healing instructors.

In recent years, my path has taken me further into plant and natural medicine, while Leadership and Flow Performance Training with Jamie Wheal and the Flow Genome Project sharpened my skills in guiding others toward peak states. Mentoring for the Flow Genome Project’s Leading Through Fire course has been a gift, as has earning my Professional Certificate in Altered States, Psychedelics, and Transpersonal Psychology with the Alef Trust in 2022.

BSc Psychology, Prof Cert in Altered States, Psychedelics, & Transpersonal Psychology, Theta Healing Master & Certificate of Science, Kambo & Rapeh Practitioner, Crystal Remote Viewing Practitioner & Instructor, Reiki Master Teacher, Access Consciousness Bars Practitioner, Acu-detox Specialist.

Emma Sedlak

-Actor, Writer, Singer, Creative Artist

“Jennifer is an immensely supportive teacher with a gift for relating to each of her students individually.

She makes everyone feel comfortable and challenged simultaneously, and each class is a journey.

I have been a student of Jennifer’s through four courses, and she has taught each one with amazing perception and compassion.”

Alisoun Mackenzie

-Compassionate Business Mentor

Since experiencing a session with Jennifer, my life has never been the same – I feel like I’ve joined a wonderful super highway of peace, happiness and abundance, that I can access at any time! Jennifer is one of the most naturally gifted and generous energy healers I know, she connects really well with others, and gets great results. My session with her was both amazing and profound. I’d thoroughly recommend her as a therapist and business partner.

Maya Badran

-Master & Cert of Science, Official Rep of Theta Healing Dubai

“If you are ready to experience a BIG shift and extraordinary changes, I highly recommend that you book a session with Jennifer Main. She is a great psychic and a very honorable healer. Every time we worked together online, I’ve had amazing shifts afterwards. Her kindness and laughter are the cherry on the top!  Bless you Jennifer for helping me witness all the amazing miracles!”

The Teachings, Divination Methods, & Philosophies That Guide My Work

The deeper I dive into astrology, the more life makes sense. I don’t believe our charts are a rigid blueprint for our lives, but they offer profound insights into our natural tendencies, the paths we choose, and how we’re impacted by the world around us. Astrology is like a map of archetypes and cosmic stories, reflecting back to us the bigger picture of who we are and how we relate to others. Through the cycles of the planets, I’ve learned to see endings and beginnings as sacred—an essential rhythm to life’s unfolding. This perspective has brought so much healing and clarity into my life, and it’s become a cornerstone of my work with others, helping us all to navigate life’s transitions with more grace and understanding.

Transpersonal Psychology
Transpersonal Psychology resonates deeply with my work because it honors the full spectrum of human experience—body, mind, and spirit. It goes beyond the physical and psychological, tapping into our desire to connect with the mystical, the timeless. We’re not just seeking to understand ourselves as humans—we want to know our souls, to touch that part of us that is eternal. My studies through the Alef Trust (Prof Cert Altered States, Psychedelics, & Transpersonal Psychology) expanded upon the core philosophy that we are multidimensional beings, always reaching for something more than the tangible world. There’s an inherent knowing that there is more—a greater meaning, a deeper purpose—and that understanding informs everything I do. It is about living in alignment with that spiritual truth.

Archetypes & Mythology
We live through stories. They’re woven into our DNA. The myths and archetypes we resonate with aren’t just tales from ancient times—they are reflections of who we are and who we’re becoming. Archetypes are the universal patterns of human experience: the healer, the warrior, the mother, the lover, the creator. These are energies that move through us, shaping our perceptions, guiding our choices, and calling us to embody our fullest selves. When we understand the archetypal forces at play in our lives, we gain clarity. We start to see our own stories with fresh eyes—the old patterns we’re breaking free from, the lessons we’re here to learn, and the power that’s been within us all along.

Mythology, in its essence, is the language of the soul. These timeless stories connect us to the collective unconscious, reminding us that we are part of something vast, sacred, and cyclical. The myths reveal the hero’s journey we all walk—through trials, triumphs, and transformations. When we tap into these ancient narratives, we can see our own lives in a more expansive context. It’s about recognizing that our struggles are part of a greater unfolding, that the endings and rebirths we experience are part of a larger cosmic dance.

When we draw upon the wisdom of archetypes and mythology, we are able to connect to the heroic path. This isn’t just about healing—it’s about transformation. It’s about stepping into the truth of who you are, with all of your complexity, power, and grace. When you align with the archetypal energies and stories that resonate with your soul, you unlock a deeper understanding of your purpose and your place in the world. And that’s where the real magic happens.

Meditation & Meditation Practices
Meditation is the space where you meet yourself. It’s where you can step outside the noise of the world and the chatter of your own mind to drop into the stillness of your being. It’s not about escaping or shutting down your thoughts—it’s about creating room for what’s real. For the truth. When you sit with yourself, in that quiet place, you start to hear the whispers of your soul, the wisdom that’s always been there, waiting to be heard.

There’s no single “right way” to meditate. It’s a practice that evolves with you. Some days, it’s sitting in silence and watching your breath. Other days, it’s a walking meditation in nature, feeling the earth beneath your feet, letting the rhythm of the world bring you back to center. It could be mantra work, chanting sacred sounds that align your vibration, or guided visualizations that take you deep into the landscape of your inner world. Whatever the practice, meditation is about connection. Connection to Source, to your higher self, to the present moment. It’s the practice of Presence.

In my work, meditation is a core tool for healing, clarity, and empowerment. It’s not about checking out; it’s about checking in. It’s where you reclaim your energy, align your intentions, and remember that you are more than your thoughts, more than your circumstances. It’s where you shift from reacting to responding. From fear to love.

The beauty of meditation is that it’s always available to you. Whether you have five minutes or an hour, whether you’re on a mountaintop or in the middle of your living room, the sacred space is already within you. All you need to do is show up, breathe, and listen. When you commit to this practice, you’re saying yes to yourself—to your evolution, your healing, and your highest potential. And that is the most profound act of love you can offer.

Divination & Intuitive Practices
Divination - the art of listening to the universe’s whispers, the practice of tuning into the subtle frequencies that guide us, showing us the signs and symbols that illuminate our path. These practices—whether it’s tarot, oracle cards, runes, or any other form—are not about predicting an unchangeable future. They’re about connecting with the energies at play and aligning with your highest potential. For uncovering the deeper layers of truth already within you.

Intuitive practices are your direct line to the wisdom of the cosmos and your inner self. They help you tap into your innate knowing, the inner voice that guides you with gentle nudges and profound insights. Intuition is not a mystical gift reserved for a chosen few; it’s a birthright. It’s about reawakening to the part of you that is always aware, always sensing, always connected.

My practices are designed to create a dialogue with the universe. To ask the 'right' questions and be open to the answers that come, whether they’re expected or surprising. I use these tools as mirrors, reflecting back the truth, clarify intentions, reveal hidden patterns, and offer guidance that aligns. They’re not there to dictate, but to illuminate the choices and possibilities that resonate.

A Sacred Invitation: The Awakening Path

Step into the flow of your becoming. Sign up for my newsletter and receive The Awakening Path Series—three soulful videos to illuminate your journey, ignite your inner wisdom, and deepen your connection to the Divine. This is your time to rise, to remember, to awaken.

Take your first step, your gift awaits!