Peak Performance & Flow State Training

For coaches, healers, and practitioners wanting to have a greater impact & success in the ways they serve the world

Jennifer has been working with this group forĀ over 15 years, training sensitive beings to harness their gifts and apply new skills, enabling them to build their businesses and their lives around their Divine Purposes andĀ awakening intuition. Join her to learn what works, enabling you to feel more fulfilled, with healthy boundaries, and an understanding of what it takes to bring heaven to earth!

You already hear the Calling...

But do you have clarity on ways to offer your gifts and skills to the wider world?

Year after year, I have recognised that my clients and students are inspired to make a difference, they want to change the suffering within the world. But there is often a lack of clarity in terms of shaping a practice that reaches those that could best be served.

I believe that we, as individuals, are here to serve specific people, soul connections, addressing specific illnesses, disorders, or problems. We cannot be everything to everybody, and we are not designed to.

But if each practitioner could gain clarity on their 'people' or areas where their gifts are best expressed, we could each do our part to serve the world, together.

The embodied wisdom from my experiences as a Healer and a Teacher, along with my gifts, is what I offer to support you

I have shaped my services around those that resonate with me, and with the gifts I have to offer. 

This is your opportunity to really get clear on your unique gifts, the ways your wounding has shaped you and potentially hindered your work, and to heal the past so that you can create for the future.

Your chosen journey with me will focus on specific issues which Jennifer has found to be most common, but also tailored to your unique path, and what is unfolding for you now. Are you ready to expand your world?

How will engaging Peak Performance techniques help me?

Over the last decade, Jennifer has been studying Flow States, Peak Experiences, and Peak Performance. And not only what they are, but how to reach them, consistently, with practice.

In reality, this is what we are all seeking and striving for: living in flow, with synchronicity and ease, feeling more at home within our bodies and our lives.

But when we lack clarity and focus, we lose momentum and drive to find true alignment. 

Reaching our peak isn't about 'the hustle' or a hack (they never really work, especially in the long term). Expressing the best within ourselves involves consciously cultivating a life filled with meaning and fulfillment.

Our time together will include creation of daily, weekly, and monthly practices that create the conscious boundaries necessary for flow. And the more time you spend in flow, the easier it is to step into a state of boundless energy, laser sharp focus, and vitality, expressing the best of who you are, operating at your peak levels.

"Healing sessions with Jennifer are amazing investment for yourself. If you truly want to move forward in any area of your life, understanding your own alignment, Jennifer will give you highly effective tools to do so! She has awesome intuitive abilities mixed with focus, kindness and fun making sessions really effective. I am very grateful with the results in my life already!" -Neus Ventura 

Options for working with Jennifer

  • 1:1 Healing & Coaching Sessions, based on your individual needs, held via Zoom
  • Understanding the ways in which your experiences can translate to wisdom as you guide others along their paths
  • Clarity on your Niche/Ideal Client, based on your unique gifts, enabling you to be most effective in your field
  • Our main package is listed below, but if you feel that you would like to work at a different pace or period of time, please get in touch, we can create a bespoke container just for you!

3 months


  • 6 FortnightlyĀ 1:1 Sessions, to resolve issues around Flow, and to implement tools and techniques to bring you into alignment
  • Email contact with Jennifer between sessions
  • Recommended resources for your own unique journey, shared throughout our time together
  • Build a bespoke Hedonic Calendar for the year, ensuring that you carry the knowledge gained in the container into your future
  • Receive a copy of Jennifer's book, The Space Between,Ā helping you to set conscious boundaries with your time, resources, and energy
  • Optional (but recommended): Join Jennifer's ReMembering Collective membership program for free, for the entire 3 months

My Philosophy & Values as a Coach & Teacher

I believe that teaching/coaching is a calling, an act of service, and that my duty is to hold high standards for learning and practice, to set healthy boundaries for development, and to inspire you to recognise your own potential and gifts.  My Divine Gifts include an expanded sense of intuition, clear understanding of the subconscious mind, and the capacity to apply what I have learned from my own experiences as an entrepreneur and practitioner. My intention is always to support from a space of Integrity, Sincerity, Respect, Honour, & Dignity...

Learn More About Jennifer

Gain clarity on what would best serve you!

Schedule a short call with Jennifer to talk through options, enabling you to receive the support you desire

Book your call now!