Is your Quest worthy of you?

Hello Alchemists!  I hope you are taking the time this week to play with the elements, to float, fly, and burn.  The focus this week is to lessen the load, to release resistance so that you can lighten, rise up, to fly...

We connect with a full moon lunar eclipse in less than 24 hours, and the effects have been intense, profound, providing an opportunity for unravelling.  As I tune into the energy, I am shown that we have a choice- between the journey we have been on, and the true quest.

So many have invested in a narrative for the lives they have outgrown, or that wasn't really meant to be.  This narrative likely motivated learning and evolution, but as the alignment wanes, so does the impact and outcome.

Each of us lives as the hero of our own story.  You are the hero, working towards  victory or specific outcome, and always against an enemy or adversary.  For those who use an adversary to motivate effort or movement, there will always be conflict, struggle, strife.  Fighting against will keep you in a state of drama, dissatisfied and disappointed with life.

But, if you can change your focus from the secondary story to the main event, life opens up.  Because the real quest is not about the fights, but of truth, love, and of living purpose, as you truly are.

So many of us are living from our wounds, perpetually in a trauma response, trying to slay the enemies of the past.  But the present moment is where our hope for the future lies.  It is time to sacrifice the pain and suffering we have endured, so that we have a chance to live in peace, in the Now.


Points to Ponder:

*Which wounds still create a filter over your life, making it only possible to see the dark/negative within others?

*Who/what is your Moriarty, Sauron, Darth Vader, Wicked Witch of the West, and how can you transcend the battle, in order to live as you truly desire?

*Which narratives are missing pieces, outdated, no longer a fit for my life today?

*What could I shed today that would make my life lighter, brighter, easier to navigate?


Allow yourself to release the old story.  You can still be the hero of your world, but allow the story to evolve, expand, and become real and realised, on every level.



*For those of you who would like some support with this, I will be holding ceremony online on Wednesday evening with the Sagittarius Full Moon, and I would be honoured to witness what unfolds.


50% Complete

Two Step

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