Every memory we recall, every bit of gossip we share, every bit of wisdom we offer has a story behind it, and within it.
Think about it for a moment - even the purest moment of epiphany becomes a story. You recall aspects of where you were, who you were with, how you felt in the moment, and then how you began to respond. You recognise the cause and effect of the choices you made, the changes you chose as a result. And you can recognise what lead you to the realisation in the first place, the series of events, what triggered or inspired you.
In one sense, the story is incredible useful, becuase it helps you to create meaning, or understand yourself in new ways. When we look back at our lives, or those of our family members, we can see points plotted out over time, that shaped perspectives, experiences, quality of life, and direction.
And if we can continue to see things from that higher perspective to learn and apply the wisdom, we're in a good place to learn and grow.
What can also happen, is that we can over-identify with the story, and it becomes a fixed part of identity. Once that begins to happen, we can lose the lesson, and start to play a role.
For example, if your life story involves you consistently struggling, pushing, fighting, you can go one of two ways. You can recognise the circumstances that created these experiences, and how they shaped you in incredible ways, and choose a path that is more aligned. Or you can believe that life is painful, difficult, overwhelming, and continue to show up with the wounds, which just create more of the same.
You can play the small character, or you can live and create with the perspective of a creator, remembering that we are more than what we can perceive with our physical senses.
I was listening to Abraham/Esther Hicks a few days ago, and something she channelled has continued to cycle through my mind - "If my desire is strong enough, it doesn't matter what I believe"
What you believe is of the past. It is not here and not now. The stories are simply a tool to learn from, but without being limited by them. You can allow yourself to become overwhelmed with the circumstances of what happened before, or you can bring yourself into the present moment, and remember that you are not the story, nor are you bound by it or to it.
A few things to meditate on over the coming days:
Remember that so much of what we remember or perceive isn't the whole truth, and that a statement or story only has power if we get lost in it. You are able to change the course of your life, your health, your perspective in any and every moment. Change your story, and change your life.
P.S. We will connect online this Wednesday to talk through the stories that run through the collective of humanity, ways we can learn from them, and ways we can step out of the patterns and limitations within them. Its going to be a powerful event, please join us!
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