An Invitation to Initiation

You may have noticed that my offerings have evolved over the past year or so. So have I. And if you are following my work, so have you, and I'm so glad to have you with me on this journey!

With everything I write, every event that I offer, there is an opportunity for you to release the beliefs, emotions, behaviours, and labels that are untrue, so that you can BE the truth, an embodied example of highest potential.

My own process includes regular meditation, study, food and movement that nourishes my physical self, and in working with the elements and energies present, which support evolution and consciousness. I invite you to join me in these practices, the initiations...

What does Initiation mean? Put simply, it is a process that facilitates change for your benefit, for the better. Initiation is present in our daily lives, in smaller, more incremental ways. But we're going to work together, following new ways to open up the spaciousness within, initiating you into more profound...

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