Are you Lacking, or Learning?

The Difference between Progress and Process

First off, I wanted to thank everyone who attended (live or after) our Activating your Inherent Gifts event on Sunday!  I deeply appreciate our time together, and the insights and healing that we share!

As I was preparing last week, a new thought came to mind: Are you Lacking, or are you Learning? It made me stop and reassess what is going on in my life...

Like many over the past few months, things have slowed down with work, and I have been working through ways to pivot and compensate for the global changes that are affecting all of us.  And, as we humans can do, I was becoming increasing critical of what I might be doing wrong, where I was missing something, the ways I am lacking in skill or know-how.

When we make perspectives black/white or right/wrong, it pulls us into the extremes of a polarity (I wrote about this recently), and can feel pretty lost or hopeless there.  So getting out of a...

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Do your choices follow your mind or heart?

Hello human beings!  I hope that your year has started with love, grace, and joy!

With aspects of the world unravelling and time unfolding in new and often unexpected ways, I am continually reminded that we chose an interesting time to exist in this world!  Congratulations for your courage, you are here to help shape a new future.


We are currently held by a lot of Capricorn energy, which wants to support high ideals and standards, integrity and strength.  We want to build cathedrals, inspiring works of art, what is holy and divine.  With Capricorn, we want to build beauty, for now and the future.  We dream bigger, bolder, but grounded in what will be of service, and have a lasting impact for good.

And with a full moon in watery Cancer, we connect more consciously with emotion and intuition, and it quickly becomes clear where our dreams match with our current state of being, and where they do not.


As human beings, we can have...

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What do you Worship?

We are nearing the end of eclipse season, a time to clear your mind and body, to recalibrate your course, with fresh eyes and intuition.  For many, the past 6 weeks have been changeable, a bit of a roller coaster, unsure of the coming days or even moments.  As this energy begins to settle, we can assess what has altered and what has remained. 

For those who have been more courageous, consciously editing their minds and lives, what remains will be strong, and have integrity.  These are the foundations to build upon, they will last.  If we have hesitated, or allowed ourselves to remain in wishful thinking, there may still be options present that lead to nowhere.


Over the past year or so, I've been contemplating what God is to me.  I know that we can have some conflicting beliefs and ideas about the divine, so I've started to question/ponder what is worthy of my worship, praise, devotion.  We all 'worship' different things in...

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Are you able to harness the ancestral wisdom within?

Happy January and Happy New Year!  I hope that your start to 2021 has been graceful and fun!

At this moment, both the Sun and the Moon are sitting in Capricorn (along with Venus and Pluto, there's a lot happening!).  Because there is so much happening in this earthy sign, I wanted to take a moment to share some insight, to support you over the next week or so.

As we move around the zodiac, we more towards experience and wisdom, which is exactly what Capricorn embodies.  Think of Capricorn as Grandmother/Grandfather energy, embodying the knowledge of experience and learning over vast periods of time, and the patience and compassion of one who has experienced or witnessed hardship.  There is patience and understanding in every choice that is made, a willingness to deepen.

Capricorn is also a Cardinal sign, meaning it is willing to be initiated to new ways of living and being, new insight and knowledge, with the capacity to evolve.  The symbol is the...

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An Invitation to Initiation

You may have noticed that my offerings have evolved over the past year or so. So have I. And if you are following my work, so have you, and I'm so glad to have you with me on this journey!

With everything I write, every event that I offer, there is an opportunity for you to release the beliefs, emotions, behaviours, and labels that are untrue, so that you can BE the truth, an embodied example of highest potential.

My own process includes regular meditation, study, food and movement that nourishes my physical self, and in working with the elements and energies present, which support evolution and consciousness. I invite you to join me in these practices, the initiations...

What does Initiation mean? Put simply, it is a process that facilitates change for your benefit, for the better. Initiation is present in our daily lives, in smaller, more incremental ways. But we're going to work together, following new ways to open up the spaciousness within, initiating you into more profound...

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