You may have noticed that my offerings have evolved over the past year or so. So have I. And if you are following my work, so have you, and I'm so glad to have you with me on this journey!
With everything I write, every event that I offer, there is an opportunity for you to release the beliefs, emotions, behaviours, and labels that are untrue, so that you can BE the truth, an embodied example of highest potential.
My own process includes regular meditation, study, food and movement that nourishes my physical self, and in working with the elements and energies present, which support evolution and consciousness. I invite you to join me in these practices, the initiations...
What does Initiation mean? Put simply, it is a process that facilitates change for your benefit, for the better. Initiation is present in our daily lives, in smaller, more incremental ways. But we're going to work together, following new ways to open up the spaciousness within, initiating you into more profound change, more quickly, more gracefully-in ways that will change you energetically, but more importantly, emotionally and physically too. We're bringing Heaven to Earth.
This weekend, we will be immersed in the energy of a Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn (time to buckle up!). Let's translate what that means for 'real life' you...
Eclipse energies facilitate endings, and provide an opportunity to recognise and address what you no longer want to create, support, continue in your life. The energy is powerful, amplified, particularly now, as we approach the third eclipse within a month. As the eclipses have been working through Cancer over the past few weeks, we are purging emotional conflict and pain. My guidance is to surrender the suffering you have been enduring (likely for years) in this moment, right now. A willingness to end the story and identity you've built around it is all that is required.
Full Moons are for perfect containers for completion, allowing you to move on. With each full moon, we have light shining on ourselves, our circumstances, so that we can really see what we are creating. With that awareness, we can assess what is working for us, and what is not. We get to step out of the stories and illusions we've been telling ourselves, and create a conclusion for them. We get to end them, so that we can choose anew. We liberate ourselves, for something better. And with the added power of the eclipse, this Full Moon is amplified, allowing us to feel cleansed, clear, free.
And with this moon in Capricorn, we engage the wisdom of Saturn. Saturn can often be judged as limiting, harsh, difficult to work with. But if you see Saturn as the boundary setter, you can change your relationships and thrive. We know that boundaries are simply our choices in what we want to engage with, and what we choose to say yes or no to. As you choose your boundaries, you liberate your energy to focus on what you choose, to build what you want, instead of feeling pushed or pulled by the world around you. Think of Saturn/Capricorn as the scaffolding for your life, the foundations you build upon. You can design them as you choose, strong, full of integrity, and build a beautiful life within.
In the lead up to this weekend, here are some points to ponder:
*What aspects of my life am I ready to be free of? What roles/identities can I surrender, to evolve into a higher potential and way of living?
*What are the dreams and desires that I want to put this newly liberated energy towards? As an unlimited being, beyond fear, what will I choose to create now, for the present, and the future?
*What boundaries could I change in my life that would have the most impact? How will I use my time, money, my focus in ways that will build the foundations for the life I feel honoured to live?
Take some time, create some space, to consider what could happen as you allow yourself to be wiped clean, the old and outdated washed away. And please share your insights with me, I would love to witness this transformation with you!
For those of you wanting support and community as you navigate these energies, I have a few offerings for you. I can already feel the energy building, unfolding. They are going to be powerful.
Full Moon in Capricorn Ceremony: 4 July at noon (UK)
Let's join in ceremony to fully harness the potential that the unique energies offer this weekend!
Initiating your Awakening: 19 July, 2-5:30pm (UK)
Understand the power of Initiation, in a profoundly deeper way. This ceremony will lay the foundations for the rest of your 2020, within and around you. (There is also an offer to join me for the New Moon Ceremony the following day within)
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