Are you over-giving or under-receiving? (I bet its both!)

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more joyful, aligned, and expanded here in the heart of Sagittarius Season! The emphasis for this astro season is on learning, exploration, and moving towards mastery. We have a chance to fine-tune direction, and to feel the benefits in the areas where we are most aligned.

But if there are areas where we are lacking in alignment, Tis the season to realise the effects...

I have been speaking to people a lot lately about depletion - feeling depleted within the body (exhausted, over-worked, overwhelmed), depleted in mind (unfocused, lack of clarity, distracted), and depleted within the spiritual body (unsupported, lacking guidance, tired beyond the physical). So I wanted to write about a polarity that we often undervalue or dismiss, even though it can cut through so many layers of us, as the impact ripples through every facet of our lives.


There is a direct correlation between over-giving and under-receiving, there is...

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