Are you over-giving or under-receiving? (I bet its both!)

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more joyful, aligned, and expanded here in the heart of Sagittarius Season! The emphasis for this astro season is on learning, exploration, and moving towards mastery. We have a chance to fine-tune direction, and to feel the benefits in the areas where we are most aligned.

But if there are areas where we are lacking in alignment, Tis the season to realise the effects...

I have been speaking to people a lot lately about depletion - feeling depleted within the body (exhausted, over-worked, overwhelmed), depleted in mind (unfocused, lack of clarity, distracted), and depleted within the spiritual body (unsupported, lacking guidance, tired beyond the physical). So I wanted to write about a polarity that we often undervalue or dismiss, even though it can cut through so many layers of us, as the impact ripples through every facet of our lives.


There is a direct correlation between over-giving and under-receiving, there is...

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How do we Relinquish that which we cling to tightest?

My dreams over the past week or so have been strange- seemingly darker, unfamiliar, seen through strange lenses, all fitting well into the themes and views of Scorpio Season. These, along with countless other interactions, conversations, challenges, continue to bring me back to the question: How can we relinquish that which we cling to?

We approach the holiday season, where people celebrate some beautiful traditions, and some strive for an illusion. We can become fixed in how we believe a day, a conversation, an action should unfold, and then inevitably feel disappointment or defeated when it does not. Because in truth, it never could. The story in our minds was never real to begin with.

We cling to a brighter version of history, omitting the obstacles and conflict, and then wonder why we can never recreate it. But it never really happened that way before.

We cling to the unreal, un-lived, disembodied versions of what we feel we are supposed to experience, instead of...

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What are you leaving behind?

New Year, Better Flow...

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season, and are enjoying the beginning of a brand new calendar year. One of my favourite aspects of this time is opening a fresh, clean diary, and beginning to write in new plans and dreams for the 12 months ahead. What is your favourite ritual or practice this time of year?

Speaking of practices, I wanted to send a quick note about offerings over the next few months. We are now heading deep into Winter, but out of the darkness, and the plan is to provide events that reflect the energies present within the cosmos and here on Earth.

*For those nearby, dates are being confirmed for in-person Meditation & Subconscious Healing at the Wee Retreat in Glasgow. Numbers are growing again, and we're aiming to fill the studio, to open hearts and minds with each event.

*In terms of online offerings, we have seasonal events with Imbolc, and Equinox. Imbolc marks the...

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Are you Dedicated or Obligated?

Hello Navigators, I trust that you are moving through this eclipse portal with grace!

Right now, we are between the Full and New Moons, moving from shedding to creating.  Continue releasing-the more you do, the easier the next steps become.  Allow yourself to become weightless, burdenless, and even rudderless... Find the point of floating in serene silence, and then you will be ready for the next thought, step, act of creation.


We have moved from a mutable Sagittarius Full Moon and are heading towards a mutable Gemini New Moon.  The energy around is flowing, changing, mutating elements of our lives, bodies, and minds.  If we allow ourselves to get caught up in trying to control, we stop the magic before it can fully be realised.

Slow down, become still, allow yourself to deepen your breath, focus, attention, introspection. See if you can ask questions without jumping to a conclusion or fixed state of with the possibility and enjoy...

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How well do you navigate Change?

(i.e. Are you resisting, or in flow?)

Hello beautiful beings! Happy New Moon and Solar Eclipse!
I just wanted to send a very quick message to you to help you in taking full advantage of the present energy, and over the next few days.

Eclipse energy is perfect for endings. We clear karmic ties, stop old habits and ways of being, we let go of obligation. And this eclipse is ending patterns from the past 6 months. So take a look back at 2019 so far, and make a list of all of the aspects, dynamics, behaviours that you are finished with. Complete those patterns, feel the ties fall away, release the obligations. It is time to liberate yourself! Can I get an AMEN?!

Today also marks the New Moon, which is a time for beginnings. So take a look at the next (possibly big and scary) steps, the ways you want to step up, the ways you’d like to adjust your course…

Ask yourself:
What would it take to make this happen?
What would I need to embrace to flow with this?
How could I...

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Is 'loyalty' delaying your evolution?

As we move towards the end of the year, and a feeling of ending or closure, we naturally feel unsettled as we face the unknown. Because endings are really about beginnings. And both can be scary, even when we have been asking for (begging, demanding) change!

The transition period is the sticky part. As we let go and resolve layers of ourselves, our identities, our labels, we test the waters for our next step. Periods of transition are often difficult because they feel unclear, confusing, as we spend most of that time in conflict, between wanting to hang on, and wanting to run ahead.
When I quit my last job, I dragged my heels. I knew that it was time to go (and had been for about 2 months), but I had a lot of fear about the next step. My next step meant self-employment, working on my own, losing my work tribe. But what was scarier was the loss of my labels and identity. I was really proud of the work I did within the organization, and giving up that label meant that I would no longer...

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