At this time of year, I always feel a bit more enthusiasm and optimism. The summer sun is more potent, along with the promise of growth, visibility, and a witnessing of the benefits of dedicated effort over the previous months.
In this final week of Spring, I feel that we are called to consider the last aspects of planting and planning, to think about the year ahead, and ensure that we are planting seeds from the heart and soul, so that what we reap over the next few seasons is aligned with something more meaningful and joyful.
Over the past few weeks, I have been playing with the idea of Magnetism, and what it feels like to draw to us, not only what we desire, but also what we are.
I listened to Robert Holden speak a few years ago about not only recognising what we want to have, but also becoming it. If you want a great friend, be a great friend. If you want more love, become love.
So the seeds we are planting are not in the external world, but within ourselves....
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more joyful, aligned, and expanded here in the heart of Sagittarius Season! The emphasis for this astro season is on learning, exploration, and moving towards mastery. We have a chance to fine-tune direction, and to feel the benefits in the areas where we are most aligned.
But if there are areas where we are lacking in alignment, Tis the season to realise the effects...
I have been speaking to people a lot lately about depletion - feeling depleted within the body (exhausted, over-worked, overwhelmed), depleted in mind (unfocused, lack of clarity, distracted), and depleted within the spiritual body (unsupported, lacking guidance, tired beyond the physical). So I wanted to write about a polarity that we often undervalue or dismiss, even though it can cut through so many layers of us, as the impact ripples through every facet of our lives.
There is a direct correlation between over-giving and under-receiving, there is...
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling light, free, and full of hope for the next 6 months! Eclipse Season ended on Monday, so we've have had 6 weeks to untangle and unfold. What a process it has been! I'd encourage you to reflect on what has changed for you, how your focus or direction has shifted, and what you want to work towards over the next 6 months.
Personally, over the past year or more, I have known that something was shifting, both within me, and in what I am called to offer.
Once I began to design the changes, to talk to trusted friends and colleagues, I began to feel more aligned than I have in years. I am so excited to share all of this with you, but also feel totally centred, steady, and at peace with all that is unfolding. Peaceful Awareness, a beautiful place to be.
Some of these visions are still developing, but I wanted to share what I can with you now. I have included some information below, with links to more....
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling supported and lighter this eclipse season. We are building toward the most potent 2 weeks, between 14-28 October, and the energy is feeling pretty great so far!
I attended an event recently with around 40 people, and as an 'ice-breaker',we were asked to chat with the group and fill in names on a sheet, by asking questions provided. (These included questions such as have you been skydiving, who has a twin, who plays an instrument, etc.) One of the options was to find someone who'd had 9 hours of sleep the night before.
I was the only person in that large group that could claim this.
I was a little surprised, partially because I value sleep, and so I make it a priority to set aside enough time so that I can feel rested and energised. It seemed pretty simple to me, so I thought this would be a common point for more people attending. There was surprise from the others, and I was given about 40 different reasons why they...
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the beginning of the Autumn Season! We are playing within the relational energy of Libra Season, where we learn about ourselves through our interactions with others.
We are social beings, meant to connect, commune, and interact with those around us. We can cultivate our Tribe, choose our friends, pick our partners, and shape our interactions. But the bottom line is this- we are built to be with others, and suffer when we are not.
When things are healthy, we thrive within our relationships, we become more vibrant, energised, and inspired. We know how to address differences of opinion with maturity and respect, allowing each other to grow in our own ways. But when things go sideways, the unhealthy reaction can be either to lash out, or run away, to hide from each other, to shut down inside. But this is how we miss out on our greatest opportunities for learning, growth, and awakening.
A few weeks ago, I heard a quote from...
We have reached the end of Venus Retrograde but are still witnessing its effects playing out within our lives. The 6 week transit highlighted where our relationships were failing, our quality of life is low, and how what we allow may be out of alignment with our deeper desires. For many, it was a difficult 40+ days where sadness and anger were triggered, old traumas surfaced, and a mirror was held up, enabling us to honestly examine the sources of our suffering.
It has been a great reminder that we often wait for things to deteriorate or self-destruct before we address what we may view as overwhelming, confusing, or difficult to navigate.
We can all look back at our lives and recognise times when we shied away from an opportunity to address an issue, to set a boundary, or have a difficult conversation. We could have leaned into the challenge but allowed the drama to play out and grow.
This period has not been about finding the blame, but instead identifying the...
What is the quality of the life you lead? (Relationships post 3)
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more energized and inspired, awakening from the slumber of the Winter months!
This post is the third in a series of three (click Here and Here for the other two). Today we'll focus on a powerful driver for the relationships we create, and the life we lead. And it all revolves around our ability to gain clarity on the quality of life you want to live.
Understanding this ties in heavily with how you want to feel, and what you value, but once we gain clarity on quality, it helps us to lay the foundation for the way we live, and what we subsequently create.
For many many reasons, we can often settle in terms of quality. This shows up in buying choices based in lack, accepting items that do not last, and that we do not really love. You may see clothing in your wardrobe that just hangs there unused, because the items don't feel great when you wear...
How do you build a healthy relationship, part 2
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the beginning of eclipse season with grace! This Aries eclipse is a personal one, that may be working through your energy field, helping you to address your perception of yourself, to remember who you came here to be. (You're welcome to join us online 19 April to heal and evolve with the Aries Eclipse)
Today's newsletter is the second of three, addressing the relationships we create with ourselves and the world around us. (Review last week's blog here)
And today, I want to address the ways you want to feel...
We know that the way we feel has a profound effect on the way we perceive life, and our quality of experience. When we feel hurt, pain, shame, fear, it motivates us to act. But as we know, we can choose words and actions that do not align with integrity or respect when we come from a place of hurt.
Our 'negative' feelings are so important, because they let...
Today is World Health Day, and while we often view or talk about health in terms of the physical, I wanted to move us into the realm of the Relational. Today's post is the first in a series of 3, and hopefully a great way to get you started!
I have repeatedly witnessed in every facet, physical, emotional, spiritual, that gaining clarity on what it means to have healthy boundaries, allows everything else to fall into place.
But we overcomplicate it, we project our past problems onto a concept that we could simplify, and become overwhelmed with surface solutions that never reach the heart of the matter.
So let's strip away the excess..
A powerful first step towards moving into healthier alignment is to recognise what you value.
Your values will motivate your choices on every level. But sometimes we can be motivated in unhealthy ways. We may want more freedom, so we create hard barriers to connection, make ourselves unavailable, or say no to...
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying your final day of Winter, and feeling ready to step into Spring!
Over the years, I have witnessed clients and students create some pretty incredible changes in their bodies, minds, and lives. And while those grand shifts are inspiring and exciting to watch, they never happen without the implementation of some healthy boundaries, choices, practices, both before and after.
We already operate within so many cycles, rhythms, and patterns. We live with seasonal changes, growth and die off of the natural world, a dance with the elements around and within. And the more that we can tune into the cycles of life, the easier it becomes to navigate.
I have been holding online events over the past 5+ years, connecting with the cycles of the moon, Solstices, Equinoxes, Eclipses, because I know that when we tap into the bigger picture, we can ride the energetic waves, recognise when it is time to rest and reassess, and when to take a...
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