Do you rush to fill the space, or can you play in the liminal?

Hello beautiful beings, happy Leo New Moon! I don't know about you, but having the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Leo is feeling pretty great! This is encouraging an alignment of who we Are, how we Feel, and the way we Express these in our lives. And because Leo represents the Heart, authenticity, honesty, and dignity, we are energetically in a great space to begin. But begin with what?

Over the past month or so (through the change of nodes, Lions Gate Portal, and some pretty potent aspects), it feels as though there has been a significant shift on the collective level. And I think we're just at the beginning of this.

There is an unravelling, an unweaving that seems to be taking place. Issues that have been playing out over the years are finally finding resolution. The things I've been hoping will end are ending. The old heartaches are healing on the deepest levels. And with this, I can feel so much more spaciousness within and around us. There is room to think, assess, see and feel, to breathe.

What can often happen when a gap or space becomes available, is that we want to fill it immediately. We rush for a replacement, but often the replacement is of similar size, shape, feel, quality. So we may be trading up, but it doesn't really do much to stretch or evolve us.

So right now, I'm taking time to sit in the spaciousness, and consider. There are seemingly infinite options, many directions, so much that I could do. But I don't want to simply fill the space. I want to build a new paradigm.

I would encourage you, over the next few days, to get still, close your eyes, and simply play with the ideas that arise. Refrain to committing to the first option that comes to mind. Stop yourself from rushing in. Play in possibility.

And as you hope, dream, and visualise, take some time to meditate on the following:

  • Which areas of my life are experiencing a death/release/ending that feels natural and necessary? What can I do (or not do) that would aid the ending, and honour the past, without clinging to it?
  • Which areas now have space for sunlight, nourishment, and gentle expansion? What can I do/be/understand that would encourage more light and lightness within that space?
  • Can I be courageous enough to sit still within that spaciousness, without trying to fill it with noise, distraction, a false start?
  • If I played in possibility, what new insights could I invite in? Can I play without attachment, and simply 'try on' a few ideas for my new paradigm?

Remember that rushing or pushing rarely give the best results. It takes courage to sit in the unknown, to witness the liminal within yourself or your life. But that courage will allow you to face any fears, to discern what is really true, and then to choose from a place of dignity and grace. I look forward to witnessing the beginnings of your new paradigm!

-Jennifer <3

P.S. The Turn your Wounds into Wisdom program begins in just over a week! We have an aMAZing group booking in, please get in touch with any questions or to join us!

AND, the Advanced Theta Healing course begins the day after! If you feel called to take the next step in your Theta journey, to connect with your ancestors, your higher self, the plant kingdom, and the Seven Planes of Existence, please get in touch


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