Are you striving to cope, or choosing your next paradigm?

I've been speaking to a lot of people lately who have been working so hard to cope. They are trying to find ways to shut down their anger, fight their cravings, suppress sadness, so many manners of 'control' that only add to the stress and fatigue.

In our earliest years, we begin to create coping mechanisms to deal with whatever we cannot manage. When we feel overwhelmed we may distract ourselves, dissociate, or create pain in one aspect to pull us out of the pain of another. So much energy goes into creating these strategies, and while they may 'help' for awhile, they really only prevent us from finding a deeper alignment.

I wanted to share the idea that I have been meditating on lately - I no longer want the ability to cope within my current circumstances, or the paradigm I am in. I want to heal and evolve to match the next.

Take a moment to sit with that idea - that instead of treading water in the circumstances and choices that make you feel as...

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Do you rush to fill the space, or can you play in the liminal?

Hello beautiful beings, happy Leo New Moon! I don't know about you, but having the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Leo is feeling pretty great! This is encouraging an alignment of who we Are, how we Feel, and the way we Express these in our lives. And because Leo represents the Heart, authenticity, honesty, and dignity, we are energetically in a great space to begin. But begin with what?

Over the past month or so (through the change of nodes, Lions Gate Portal, and some pretty potent aspects), it feels as though there has been a significant shift on the collective level. And I think we're just at the beginning of this.

There is an unravelling, an unweaving that seems to be taking place. Issues that have been playing out over the years are finally finding resolution. The things I've been hoping will end are ending. The old heartaches are healing on the deepest levels. And with this, I can feel so much more spaciousness within and around us. There is room to think, assess, see and feel,...

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What are you waiting for?

Hello beautiful beings, today is the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal, which can help us to open up to more abundance, connection, alignment, creativity, and receiving, if you choose to allow it!

Over the past few months, a simple question keeps popping into my head, and has also been coming up in sessions/events-

What am I waiting for?

I think that sometimes we can wait for a 'special' transit or day (like 8/8), or demand a sign or synchronicity to move ahead. Sometimes we wait for a bolt of inspiration, or often until the suffering gets so bad that we have to act. But again, there is a lot of waiting involved.

I think that sometimes we can form an idea of how things are supposed to feel or unfold. Or that if your plan doesn't involve a 'eureka' moment, it isn't real. We're waiting for some massive breakthrough, when in reality, the signs, nudges, intuition, and evidence has been showing up consistently, regularly, in smaller ways.

Often, when we're waiting for the sign from the...

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Is your focus on I or WE?

Which Extreme is affecting your Alignment?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling centred and open as we reach the heart of the summer season!

Over the past few days, during my meditations, I have been shown over and over again the polarity of I => WE.

The Nodes of Destiny are now sitting in the Aries-Libra axis. Aries is our first introduction to ourselves as individuals, separate from our parents, fresh and new in the world. The purest idea of I AM. On the other side is Libra, which is totally relational, examining the dynamics between the self and the other, and what is co-created between the two.

The Sun and Moon today are opposing in a similar dynamic. The Sun in Leo brings us deep into the heart of you, representing the quality of the individual leader, standing in dignity, regal, and strong. The Moon is in Aquarius represents philanthropic and philosophical ideals, the well-being of community, the collective, and our part in a larger picture and story.


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Are you casting shadows on your inner sun?

Are you expanding into your Light, or shrinking your paradigm?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more awake and inspired now that we are travelling through the summer months! I know that I've felt a fire growing brighter within me, and have been inspired to offer a number of online events and courses over the next few months! Details for in-person events will also be posted soon, because it is TIME! (And BTW, if you're interested in hosting me in your area for an event/course, please get in touch!)

The Sun is now at home in Leo, bringing us out into the light, encouraging us to be more visible, open-hearted, more passionate and compassionate, more loving, honest, and authentic. I feel that we can choose to go one of two ways with this-

1. You can feel afraid and you can shrink down, become smaller, quieter, and try to deceive yourself about who you truly are.

2. You can feel the call to expand, to grow, and to show up as a leader,...

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How can your healing expand your impact upon the world?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you were able to navigate watery Cancer season with lots of Grace! We are now in Fiery Leo Season, in higher visibility, shining brighter, living from heart and soul. I am already feeling the shifts and enjoying the energetic sunshine!

Today, I feel inspired to write about what gets in the way of being greater leaders, teachers, healers, and guides.  The short answer: Our deepest , oldest wounds.  

It is often our oldest wounds, the ones that feel most difficult to resolve, that can be the key to our greatest liberation, but also in sharing our greatest gifts.

We deeply desire to be of service, and to have an impact, especially when times are tough and the world desperately needs us. But if we are still cycling through old patterns and ways of seeing the world, we limit and diminish what we can offer.

If we are burnt out, we have little to share.

If we are in pain, we shy away from witnessing the pain in others.

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Are you able to embrace the gifts of Fire?

Hello fire dancers and soothsayers!  Who is feeling the power of the Fire Element at play this month?  Leo season has a unique quality that makes it particularly potent.  We are approaching a power day on 8/8 (the Lion's Gate), which is the same day of the New Moon, so even further amplified.  And we are between two Aquarius Full Moons, connecting with air, which feeds the fire as well.  For any of you waiting for a 'good' time to create, manifest, purify your self or your life, now is the time!

For me personally, the energy of Leo always reminds me of the term 'Lion-Heart'.  It is the culmination and combination of all that this season embodies...

Summer, heat, rejuvenation, burn, purify, inspiration, liberation, love, compassion, tribe, pride, courage, the Sun, royalty, nobility, regal, kingdom, sovereignty...

Here in this fiery portal, we have the capacity to bask in the sun, relax, and recharge.  Our muscles can stretch and...

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How do you connect with your Humanity?

Hello fire walkers and water bearers!  The Sun is moving into Leo (courage, heart, nobility), and the moon will be full in Aquarius on Saturday (mystical, unpredictable, radical).  What an amazing combination of inner heart, and outer focus!

For many of us, wading through Cancer Season has been difficult in various ways.  Those of us doing big inner work have moved into the depths, learning to breathe under pressure.  We are now starting to see the rays of the sun, brightening the surf and surface, beckoning us into the warmth of Leo. (We'll focus more on this during the Leo New Moon, but allow yourself to step into summer now!)


As the moon moves into Aquarius, our hearts expand beyond ourselves and our tribe, to the wider collective.  We remember the humanity within us, and around us.  I will admit, my faith in humanity has wavered some over the past few years, but I am holding onto hope.  So I have been asking to see the helpers, to...

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