Are you striving to cope, or choosing your next paradigm?

I've been speaking to a lot of people lately who have been working so hard to cope. They are trying to find ways to shut down their anger, fight their cravings, suppress sadness, so many manners of 'control' that only add to the stress and fatigue.

In our earliest years, we begin to create coping mechanisms to deal with whatever we cannot manage. When we feel overwhelmed we may distract ourselves, dissociate, or create pain in one aspect to pull us out of the pain of another. So much energy goes into creating these strategies, and while they may 'help' for awhile, they really only prevent us from finding a deeper alignment.

I wanted to share the idea that I have been meditating on lately - I no longer want the ability to cope within my current circumstances, or the paradigm I am in. I want to heal and evolve to match the next.

Take a moment to sit with that idea - that instead of treading water in the circumstances and choices that make you feel as...

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Do you rush to fill the space, or can you play in the liminal?

Hello beautiful beings, happy Leo New Moon! I don't know about you, but having the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in Leo is feeling pretty great! This is encouraging an alignment of who we Are, how we Feel, and the way we Express these in our lives. And because Leo represents the Heart, authenticity, honesty, and dignity, we are energetically in a great space to begin. But begin with what?

Over the past month or so (through the change of nodes, Lions Gate Portal, and some pretty potent aspects), it feels as though there has been a significant shift on the collective level. And I think we're just at the beginning of this.

There is an unravelling, an unweaving that seems to be taking place. Issues that have been playing out over the years are finally finding resolution. The things I've been hoping will end are ending. The old heartaches are healing on the deepest levels. And with this, I can feel so much more spaciousness within and around us. There is room to think, assess, see and feel,...

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