Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling the benefits of yesterday's Pisces New Moon, AND the beginning of Eclipse Season! The energy of change is palpable, you can feel it around you, and within. This is such a powerful time to focus on your healing, growth, and potential for change.
But first...
It may feel easy to get excited about the end result, the outcome you desire, the prize at the end of the journey. But when we consider what it takes to get there, we can feel daunted by the journey itself.
The journey of change (not TO change), is one that requires courage, a willingness to face our fears, and to surrender the inner conflicts and judgements that are preventing the outcomes we seek.
It is a moving process, a cycle of endings before the beginnings, and time within the liminal, where we may not have all of the answers, direction, support, or fulfillment that we believe would comfort us, or keep us 'safe' along the way.
If we place all of the reward at the end point, we fail to reach it, because the journey there requires us to do the work, to examine ourselves, to be honest with ourselves, and to truly understand the cause and effect of our choices.
Sometimes, we can feel confused about what we actually want. But I believe that it is more an issue of clinging to a known past or pattern, a familiar identity, that fixes us in place.
What could unfold if you were willing to surrender the familiar, to create space for something more aligned, more whole, more You?
The liminal space, the perceived unknown, is where creativity and creation is able to play. This is where we learn, where we embody our gifts, where we become.
Those things don't happen at the end of a journey, the journey itself moulds and shapes life. And we never create the end result without the journey of transformation that makes it possible.
I encourage you to spend some time this week meditating on the following:
Remember that our most beautiful visions and dreams are showing us what we are capable of. They are meant to inspire us to move and grow. You already have this awareness within you, you are simply required to begin, to take the next step, and witness what can now begin to unfold.
If you feel that you would like some support with this through this powerful eclipse season, there is still a little time to book your Eclipse Package with me! Doors close on 20 March!
50% Complete
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