How do you calm the storms within you?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you are all well! I am currently in the southeast of the USA, recently weathering the storms that moved through the region last week. I was fortunate enough to be in Savannah (tornadoes, wind, and lots of rain), but feel grateful for the land, the city, and the good fortune of being in an area less affected by the storms (and many thanks to Abby and Jenny for looking after me so well!).

Those further north had a very different experience, normally not affected by these coastal storms, but now having to suspend plans, strip back to the basics of life, and simply look after themselves and their neighbours. These storms often remind me of what is necessary and important, a reminder to relinquish what is not needed in the moment.


Our second eclipse of the season, this time a Solar Eclipse in Libra, feels aligned with the storms in many ways. Whenever I meditate on its energy, I am shown the relationship between the Sun and Moon, Masculine and...

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What does true Surrender feel like?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you are swimming gracefully with the Pisces Moon!

The moon is now in Pisces, with the eclipse less than 24 hours away! In the UK, the eclipse window will be in the middle of the night (1:41-5:47), but the moon will remain in Pisces until 10:24 tomorrow morning. So I would encourage you to hold any healing meditations or ceremonies before it moves into Aries. You're welcome to join us tonight (and repeat if you desire!)

Energetically, we are swimming in Water (but held gently by Earthly Virgo). So the time for healing, evolving, and unfolding is now...

But instead of feeling rushed or pushed to fit it all in, I am going to encourage you to pause, relax, surrender, release.

Imagine that you are in a large body of warm, calm, gentle water. There is movement, but the water is buoyant, it holds you, supports you, and allows you to move and flow at your own pace. Your body can totally relax, your mind is at ease, you know that you can trust what is...

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Your Fears show you where you Limit Yourself

What a month its been! I feel that for many of us, its been a bit of a roller coaster, whirlwind, washing machine, but I can sense that the noise and topsy-turvyness of it is beginning to change...

This weekend marked the meeting of Jupiter and Uranus. Basically, this is where your goodness and greatness gets a boost in unexpected and interesting ways. Seriously, who is ready?!

I spent a lot of time meditating, writing, and dissecting my mind and my life. There were some strange moments, fears uncovered, and discomfort felt on a lot of levels. I had a dream that I was within a corridor, and behind each door was one of my deepest fears. The temptation was to keep the doors shut, to 'wait it out', to simply let things lie. But when I awoke and meditated on the meaning, I realised that keeping those doors shut meant that I was delaying great healing and insight AND I was cutting off part of myself that are actually useful, strong, and wise.

Behind one door, I was keeping a vast and...

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Are you willing to make the journey towards your Vision?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling the benefits of yesterday's Pisces New Moon, AND the beginning of Eclipse Season! The energy of change is palpable, you can feel it around you, and within. This is such a powerful time to focus on your healing, growth, and potential for change.

But first...

It may feel easy to get excited about the end result, the outcome you desire, the prize at the end of the journey. But when we consider what it takes to get there, we can feel daunted by the journey itself.

The journey of change (not TO change), is one that requires courage, a willingness to face our fears, and to surrender the inner conflicts and judgements that are preventing the outcomes we seek.

It is a moving process, a cycle of endings before the beginnings, and time within the liminal, where we may not have all of the answers, direction, support, or fulfillment that we believe would comfort us, or keep us 'safe' along the way.

If we place all of the reward at the end...

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Are you seeking more?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling light, free, and full of hope for the next 6 months! Eclipse Season ended on Monday, so we've have had 6 weeks to untangle and unfold. What a process it has been! I'd encourage you to reflect on what has changed for you, how your focus or direction has shifted, and what you want to work towards over the next 6 months.


Personally, over the past year or more, I have known that something was shifting, both within me, and in what I am called to offer. 

Once I began to design the changes, to talk to trusted friends and colleagues, I began to feel more aligned than I have in years. I am so excited to share all of this with you, but also feel totally centred, steady, and at peace with all that is unfolding. Peaceful Awareness, a beautiful place to be. 

Some of these visions are still developing, but I wanted to share what I can with you now. I have included some information below, with links to more....

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Can you make your life feel New again?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling in flow with the upcoming eclipse, and are consciously preparing for the options and opportunities presenting!

When meditating on the message for this week, I heard "I am making all things New". And I started to wonder what that would entail...

We can often fear change, we are afraid of upsetting someone or something in our lives. We can avoid making a new choice because it challenges our sense of identity, or how we show up in the world. We stick with the things that cause us the most suffering because it is known. Or we continue with a habit that isn't wholly destructive, but also is not contributing to what we want to experience.

This is when we feel bored, stuck, stagnant, in a holding pattern.

We can dismiss a thought of newness even with the things that have been working for us, but could be moving into that realm of habitual. The meditation practice we started with a year ago is now feeling more like a chore. The daily...

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Are your justifications all that is standing in your way?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling supported and lighter this eclipse season. We are building toward the most potent 2 weeks, between 14-28 October, and the energy is feeling pretty great so far!

I attended an event recently with around 40 people, and as an 'ice-breaker',we were asked to chat with the group and fill in names on a sheet, by asking questions provided. (These included questions such as have you been skydiving, who has a twin, who plays an instrument, etc.) One of the options was to find someone who'd had 9 hours of sleep the night before.

I was the only person in that large group that could claim this.

I was a little surprised, partially because I value sleep, and so I make it a priority to set aside enough time so that I can feel rested and energised. It seemed pretty simple to me, so I thought this would be a common point for more people attending. There was surprise from the others, and I was given about 40 different reasons why they...

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Are you steady, or getting swept away?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the beginning of the Autumn Season! We are playing within the relational energy of Libra Season, where we learn about ourselves through our interactions with others.

We are social beings, meant to connect, commune, and interact with those around us. We can cultivate our Tribe, choose our friends, pick our partners, and shape our interactions. But the bottom line is this- we are built to be with others, and suffer when we are not.

When things are healthy, we thrive within our relationships, we become more vibrant, energised, and inspired. We know how to address differences of opinion with maturity and respect, allowing each other to grow in our own ways. But when things go sideways, the unhealthy reaction can be either to lash out, or run away, to hide from each other, to shut down inside. But this is how we miss out on our greatest opportunities for learning, growth, and awakening.

A few weeks ago, I heard a quote from...

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What is your biggest Catalyst for Change?

We have reached the end of Venus Retrograde but are still witnessing its effects playing out within our lives. The 6 week transit highlighted where our relationships were failing, our quality of life is low, and how what we allow may be out of alignment with our deeper desires. For many, it was a difficult 40+ days where sadness and anger were triggered, old traumas surfaced, and a mirror was held up, enabling us to honestly examine the sources of our suffering.

It has been a great reminder that we often wait for things to deteriorate or self-destruct before we address what we may view as overwhelming, confusing, or difficult to navigate.


We can all look back at our lives and recognise times when we shied away from an opportunity to address an issue, to set a boundary, or have a difficult conversation. We could have leaned into the challenge but allowed the drama to play out and grow.


This period has not been about finding the blame, but instead identifying the...

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Who are you trying to Convince?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling the benefits of this eclipse season! It ends with the New Moon this weekend, so spend some time in meditation, healing and gaining insight until then!

This past weekend, I sat in the sunshine and pondered the big questions of life. Whenever there is an eclipse, we are urged to look at themes around Destiny, Dharma, and whether we are following the truest path, or getting distracted or delayed along the way. I spent time speaking with my ancestors and gained a few beautiful insights, which might inspire you too. 

I know that I chose my genetic line for many reasons, and over the past year, I have been asking about where the paths of my ancestors align with my own, and where they may not. I want to connect with their wisdom and expansive experiences, but without getting caught in karmic cycles along the way. I also want to ensure that I am benefiting from their insight, but without their opinions clouding my own clarity.


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