Are you revisiting old paths, or pursuing something new?

Shifting Gears

Hello alchemists and time travelers!  I hope that you are basking in the glow of the new moon, and planting seeds for an inspired future! I know that I am! ;)

This email simply serves to shed some light on my current journey and where things are headed, and of course, you are invited to come along...


The call to step back into Initiation is strong, and I am grateful that the world is shifting towards this too!  You may have noticed that I scheduled an online Initiation Ceremony for 10th of July, to Activate your Inherent Gifts.  The time feels right to discover/remember qualities within that are meant to serve our higher path.  

There will be another 1-2 Initiation Ceremonies over the next few months, of similar length (3+ hrs), each offering a doorway to a higher perspective and way of being.  These will likely be held in-person, though there will be an option to purchase the recording for those...

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What is 2020 offering, to expand your World

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you’re having a wonderful start to the new year <3

I am currently in incredible Cambodia, enjoying the experience of being immersed in new culture, language, food, traditions, land, and all that comes with the experience.  And even though I’m far away, I wanted to get in touch to let you know that I am currently planning for the next few months, and have a few pieces of information and celebration to share!

*My 41st birthday is later this week!
For my 40th birthday, and through 2019, I helped to raise money to build a school in Cambodia (which is why I am here now, we will see the school on Thursday!).  To show my gratitude towards those who either contributed towards the school, or support me and my business, I would like to offer you a session in February at 41% off!  My 50 minute sessions will be £55, and the 75 minute sessions will be £66!  Sessions will begin from 3 February, 1...

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