Are you choosing through your Wounds or your Strength?

Acting from Strength, not from your Wounds

I have been watching the world around me lately, pondering the motivations that stir/push/move us to act. Various periods throughout history, as well as shifting consciousness, expectations, limitations, and what is considered 'acceptable' have woven throughout the meditations and observations, and I have again, come to the conclusion, that history repeats because we repeat.  And that can either serve us in beautiful ways, or slow our chances for healing, progress, freedom.

In terms of our negative choices, behaviours, and reactions, we are able to look back at the wounds and trauma that motivated us to react in such a way.  A broken heart motivates us to shy away from vulnerability and a chance at new love.  An overly strict or controlling parent can motivate us to avoid making our own choices because that had always been done for us.  A manipulative family member may motivate us...

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Are you revisiting old paths, or pursuing something new?

Shifting Gears

Hello alchemists and time travelers!  I hope that you are basking in the glow of the new moon, and planting seeds for an inspired future! I know that I am! ;)

This email simply serves to shed some light on my current journey and where things are headed, and of course, you are invited to come along...


The call to step back into Initiation is strong, and I am grateful that the world is shifting towards this too!  You may have noticed that I scheduled an online Initiation Ceremony for 10th of July, to Activate your Inherent Gifts.  The time feels right to discover/remember qualities within that are meant to serve our higher path.  

There will be another 1-2 Initiation Ceremonies over the next few months, of similar length (3+ hrs), each offering a doorway to a higher perspective and way of being.  These will likely be held in-person, though there will be an option to purchase the recording for those...

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How are you navigating the liminal spaces?

Hello beautiful beings, I am delighted to share with you my newest offerings!  I have been crafting these over the past few years, and am honoured to co-create these sacred events with my tribe.

Personal Bespoke Initiation Ceremonies! 

I have been offering larger group Initiation Ceremonies since 2015, which have facilitated profound experiences for initiates to learn and heal.  These have ranged in focus around ancestral healing, psychic senses, leadership, the masculine and feminine, and harnessing the elements.  The power of the collective has facilitated exponential shifts on so many levels through these events, and I have been working to create similar effects, but with a smaller group. The personal ceremonies can be tailored for an individual, a couple, a family, or tribe/friends/co-workers.  

With a bespoke ceremony, you will work with me to plan the most aligned time and focus.  This could be held...

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Embodied Living: Are you in Flow, or battling the world around you?

Hello beautiful beings!  I just wanted to send a bit of information today about the power of initiation and embodied living.  October promises to be the most transformational month of 2020, which we can either fight against, or learn to harness the power for our benefit.

The initiation process can be a bumpy ride, to say the least.  We can often feel tossed into the abyss, without light or guidance to navigate the change. But there are things that we can do to bring form into the formless, to give some foundation and direction.  Here are a few of the best I've found:

1. Set your non-negotiable priorities and follow them! This involves you deciding what really has value in your life (including possessions, experiences, relationships, quality of life, etc), and saying No to what doesn't align, and a big Hell Yes to what does!  If you do not choose what you want, you'll get to experience anything and everything that the universe has on...

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Are you ready to live your Fate?

(i.e. Are you choosing the path, or avoiding it?)
I don’t know about you, but the next month or two feels as though we are walking hand in hand with fate.
I just finished reading a new Stephen King book, where he talks about how the most important events move on a hinge.

Our choices initiate the swing of the hinge, and our actions commit us to the path.

I believe that we can make small subtle choices, continually adjusting, continually searching.  Or we can open wide, be courageous, and commit to the path that we are here to serve upon.
What we choose and commit to now, will ripple through our lives, our trajectories.  And you can choose to be aligned with Purpose, or you can take the long, hard road… Which will you choose?

A few questions to meditate on, to help you along the say:
*What am I carrying/doing that is weighing me down?  Does it really align? And will it still align in 6 months?

*Am I able to see the potential long-term effect of a...

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