Have you found your new Rhythm?

Expanding the Self

Hello beautiful beings! I have just returned from a long weekend in sunny Spain, and have been reminded of the importance of travel.

When we travel, we leave our comfort zones behind, what we know, our daily routines, along with many aspects of our identities.  The little things that we use to reinforce who we believe we are, are disrupted, we are not able to rely on the hundreds of cues and reminders that would be present in daily routine and regular setting. Once these have been disrupted, there is more space for new potential, within the mind, body, spirit. And I feel that this is a major part of evolution-the ability to relinquish aspects and identities that have become too fixed, too confining, so that we are able to redefine and rediscover ourselves and new 'worlds'.

Even having just a few days outside of my home, office, city disrupted patterns of eating, sleeping, working, consumption.  I read different books, wore different...

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What is 2020 offering, to expand your World

Hello beautiful beings, I hope you’re having a wonderful start to the new year <3

I am currently in incredible Cambodia, enjoying the experience of being immersed in new culture, language, food, traditions, land, and all that comes with the experience.  And even though I’m far away, I wanted to get in touch to let you know that I am currently planning for the next few months, and have a few pieces of information and celebration to share!

*My 41st birthday is later this week!
For my 40th birthday, and through 2019, I helped to raise money to build a school in Cambodia (which is why I am here now, we will see the school on Thursday!).  To show my gratitude towards those who either contributed towards the school, or support me and my business, I would like to offer you a session in February at 41% off!  My 50 minute sessions will be £55, and the 75 minute sessions will be £66!  Sessions will begin from 3 February, 1...

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