Is Enlightenment possible for us mere mortals?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling supported and inspired within the final few days of eclipse season! We are approaching an Aries Super Full Moon, a super charged opportunity for first steps, pure thought, new direction, a clear beginning. Think of the past 6+ weeks as a clearing out of the old perspectives, habits, emotions, memories. We are approaching a rebirth threshold. Accept the gift, and use it to the best of your ability.


I have spent a lot of time lately researching and meditating on aspects of enlightenment, awakening, raising vibration, mastery. So much of what I have explored approaches these as processes that are too ethereal for the body, too disconnected to understand - as though awakening is only possible at death, once we have moved into another plane or purpose, or in a way that is so disconnected from what our minds can understand, it becomes incomprehensible.

But I believe that as human beings, part of this collective...

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Are you seeking more?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling light, free, and full of hope for the next 6 months! Eclipse Season ended on Monday, so we've have had 6 weeks to untangle and unfold. What a process it has been! I'd encourage you to reflect on what has changed for you, how your focus or direction has shifted, and what you want to work towards over the next 6 months.


Personally, over the past year or more, I have known that something was shifting, both within me, and in what I am called to offer. 

Once I began to design the changes, to talk to trusted friends and colleagues, I began to feel more aligned than I have in years. I am so excited to share all of this with you, but also feel totally centred, steady, and at peace with all that is unfolding. Peaceful Awareness, a beautiful place to be. 

Some of these visions are still developing, but I wanted to share what I can with you now. I have included some information below, with links to more....

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Can you make your life feel New again?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling in flow with the upcoming eclipse, and are consciously preparing for the options and opportunities presenting!

When meditating on the message for this week, I heard "I am making all things New". And I started to wonder what that would entail...

We can often fear change, we are afraid of upsetting someone or something in our lives. We can avoid making a new choice because it challenges our sense of identity, or how we show up in the world. We stick with the things that cause us the most suffering because it is known. Or we continue with a habit that isn't wholly destructive, but also is not contributing to what we want to experience.

This is when we feel bored, stuck, stagnant, in a holding pattern.

We can dismiss a thought of newness even with the things that have been working for us, but could be moving into that realm of habitual. The meditation practice we started with a year ago is now feeling more like a chore. The daily...

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How willingly do you Navigate the Underworld?

Over the next month or so, I'll be addressing elements of Initiation (free ebook), and how to navigate the journey that you as a Soul has chosen. The topic is fairly vast, so we will break it down into its elements, beginning today with the Underworld, your subconscious mind, and the aspects we often want to avoid...

The darkness of the underworld can feel daunting or scary at the best of times. Simply put, this is the aspect within us that holds our fears, suffering, and pain. We view it as our 'dark side', where we blame the ego, collective/ancestral conditioning, and often what we judge about ourselves that evokes the most shame, blame, guilt, and frustration.

Within the healing world, there is so much emphasis put on love and light, about being 'high vibe', awakened, or above it all. But guess what. In order to become the light, we first have to address the darkness within.

Here's what is fascinating- the only darkness within us or the world is what we do not yet understand.


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Are you choosing through your Wounds or your Strength?

Acting from Strength, not from your Wounds

I have been watching the world around me lately, pondering the motivations that stir/push/move us to act. Various periods throughout history, as well as shifting consciousness, expectations, limitations, and what is considered 'acceptable' have woven throughout the meditations and observations, and I have again, come to the conclusion, that history repeats because we repeat.  And that can either serve us in beautiful ways, or slow our chances for healing, progress, freedom.

In terms of our negative choices, behaviours, and reactions, we are able to look back at the wounds and trauma that motivated us to react in such a way.  A broken heart motivates us to shy away from vulnerability and a chance at new love.  An overly strict or controlling parent can motivate us to avoid making our own choices because that had always been done for us.  A manipulative family member may motivate us...

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Are you revisiting old paths, or pursuing something new?

Shifting Gears

Hello alchemists and time travelers!  I hope that you are basking in the glow of the new moon, and planting seeds for an inspired future! I know that I am! ;)

This email simply serves to shed some light on my current journey and where things are headed, and of course, you are invited to come along...


The call to step back into Initiation is strong, and I am grateful that the world is shifting towards this too!  You may have noticed that I scheduled an online Initiation Ceremony for 10th of July, to Activate your Inherent Gifts.  The time feels right to discover/remember qualities within that are meant to serve our higher path.  

There will be another 1-2 Initiation Ceremonies over the next few months, of similar length (3+ hrs), each offering a doorway to a higher perspective and way of being.  These will likely be held in-person, though there will be an option to purchase the recording for those...

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How are you navigating the liminal spaces?

Hello beautiful beings, I am delighted to share with you my newest offerings!  I have been crafting these over the past few years, and am honoured to co-create these sacred events with my tribe.

Personal Bespoke Initiation Ceremonies! 

I have been offering larger group Initiation Ceremonies since 2015, which have facilitated profound experiences for initiates to learn and heal.  These have ranged in focus around ancestral healing, psychic senses, leadership, the masculine and feminine, and harnessing the elements.  The power of the collective has facilitated exponential shifts on so many levels through these events, and I have been working to create similar effects, but with a smaller group. The personal ceremonies can be tailored for an individual, a couple, a family, or tribe/friends/co-workers.  

With a bespoke ceremony, you will work with me to plan the most aligned time and focus.  This could be held...

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Are you able to harness the ancestral wisdom within?

Happy January and Happy New Year!  I hope that your start to 2021 has been graceful and fun!

At this moment, both the Sun and the Moon are sitting in Capricorn (along with Venus and Pluto, there's a lot happening!).  Because there is so much happening in this earthy sign, I wanted to take a moment to share some insight, to support you over the next week or so.

As we move around the zodiac, we more towards experience and wisdom, which is exactly what Capricorn embodies.  Think of Capricorn as Grandmother/Grandfather energy, embodying the knowledge of experience and learning over vast periods of time, and the patience and compassion of one who has experienced or witnessed hardship.  There is patience and understanding in every choice that is made, a willingness to deepen.

Capricorn is also a Cardinal sign, meaning it is willing to be initiated to new ways of living and being, new insight and knowledge, with the capacity to evolve.  The symbol is the...

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Transformation: The difference between Trade and Become

In a world of contrast and contradiction, we often look for ways to trade one for another. To change one circumstance for another, one relationship for another… But these exchanges take up time, energy, and often leave us wanting. Our comfort zones are limited and limiting, our past experiences colour our perceptions of what is possible to create. We look to the past and to others around us to see what is on offer, because we believe that we need to follow. But if we are always following the past, we never create a different future, we only create what has been.

We watch other women to see what is acceptable as a woman. We look to other men to act in ways that are expected. We emulate leaders and others in places of power to fill those roles. We watch teachers in an attempt to teach others, or ourselves.

We listen to the stories of our ancestors’ suffering and pain and assume we will endure the same. We read the stories of our histories, full of abuse, pain, and waste,...

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How are you navigating the Liminal Space?

Hello Tribe! I hope that you are well on this sunny morning! I wanted to send a note of reassurance and encouragement, as we move through the magic of this eclipse season.

Periods of transition and change can often be the most unsettling of times. We can feel uncertain about the next step, afraid of the unknown, or worried that we'll make the wrong decision.

The reality is that these liminal spaces, the space between who we were and who we will become, are actually pretty magical. These are the areas where we are least set in how things are supposed to be, and in what your life has to become. There is enough spaciousness within ourselves, our minds, our lives, for bigger movement, more stretching, deeper growth.

So while we are not in our comfort zones (which is often where your subconscious mind prefers to be) the reward for taking the risk will always outweigh the fear.

Your best option at these time, is not to hesitate, but to take the next step. Often, when we feel lost or...

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