Is Enlightenment possible for us mere mortals?

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling supported and inspired within the final few days of eclipse season! We are approaching an Aries Super Full Moon, a super charged opportunity for first steps, pure thought, new direction, a clear beginning. Think of the past 6+ weeks as a clearing out of the old perspectives, habits, emotions, memories. We are approaching a rebirth threshold. Accept the gift, and use it to the best of your ability.


I have spent a lot of time lately researching and meditating on aspects of enlightenment, awakening, raising vibration, mastery. So much of what I have explored approaches these as processes that are too ethereal for the body, too disconnected to understand - as though awakening is only possible at death, once we have moved into another plane or purpose, or in a way that is so disconnected from what our minds can understand, it becomes incomprehensible.

But I believe that as human beings, part of this collective...

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What is beginning to bloom inside of you? 

Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are enjoying the eclipse energy, and feeling grounded by Taurus season! 

Because we are between eclipses, I have been doing a lot of healing and meditating on what is evolving within me now, and ways that I am being prepared for the next 6 months and beyond. 

The image/message I keep receiving is on expansion of energy, and allowing it to  move beyond my own contained space, and into the further collective, and our evolution within humanity.

Pluto is now in Aquarius, which connects us with the wider world, and changes that shape a generation. This pulls us out of our smaller issues, and shines light on the collective, so that we are able to heal, not only for ourselves, but also for the wider world, the planet, and everything on this earth. 

I've been shown the growth of flowers and trees over time, and how nature builds, not from reaction and pain, but from a place of higher intelligence and understanding. And we can grow...

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Could Reframing your Story Lead to your Greatest Awakening?

When you consider a REFRAME, what comes to mind? As I have meditated on this over the past few weeks, a few ideas have become clear...

We are natural storytellers. We build our identities, plans, and perspectives upon stories that we have lived or heard. But because stories are created through the filters of perspective, they are not always honest recounts of what truly happened, or inclusive of the entire story. We often share from one side, one perspective, which is in truth, only a partial account.

So when looking to gain the full picture, there are a few ways to reframe, to make it more inclusive, to witness more detail, and gain clarity.

The first option with a reframe, would be to focus on the aspect of Time. There will have been periods when a difficult patch in a relationship or job seemed justifiable, believing that it was a temporary issue. But when that issue extends into months or years, the story has to change. Adding time to the...

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Are you revisiting old paths, or pursuing something new?

Shifting Gears

Hello alchemists and time travelers!  I hope that you are basking in the glow of the new moon, and planting seeds for an inspired future! I know that I am! ;)

This email simply serves to shed some light on my current journey and where things are headed, and of course, you are invited to come along...


The call to step back into Initiation is strong, and I am grateful that the world is shifting towards this too!  You may have noticed that I scheduled an online Initiation Ceremony for 10th of July, to Activate your Inherent Gifts.  The time feels right to discover/remember qualities within that are meant to serve our higher path.  

There will be another 1-2 Initiation Ceremonies over the next few months, of similar length (3+ hrs), each offering a doorway to a higher perspective and way of being.  These will likely be held in-person, though there will be an option to purchase the recording for those...

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