What's getting lost in Translation? (and creating a lot of confusion!)

Mind the Gap...

In our last newsletter, we explored the concept of emotions changing us for the better. Today, I wanted to focus on the journey from emotion to feeling, and what potentially gets lost in translation, along the way...

When I look back at my life, I recognise that I spent decades in a fairly dissociative state. Now, I understand that I am highly sensitive. Then, it all just felt pretty overwhelming. My way of coping as a child was to isolate myself, and disappear into my own world where my mind could run wild, but without full awareness of the physical reality. While this probably made me feel temporarily 'safer', it also separated me from myself, and from more deeply understanding my interactions with the world around me. Short term relief instead of long term embodiment.

Much of my adult life has been focused on reintroducing myself to Me, to how I think, feel, perceive, interpret, and simply BE within this plane. Part of this reeducation has...

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