Mind the Gap...
In our last newsletter, we explored the concept of emotions changing us for the better. Today, I wanted to focus on the journey from emotion to feeling, and what potentially gets lost in translation, along the way...
When I look back at my life, I recognise that I spent decades in a fairly dissociative state. Now, I understand that I am highly sensitive. Then, it all just felt pretty overwhelming. My way of coping as a child was to isolate myself, and disappear into my own world where my mind could run wild, but without full awareness of the physical reality. While this probably made me feel temporarily 'safer', it also separated me from myself, and from more deeply understanding my interactions with the world around me. Short term relief instead of long term embodiment.
Much of my adult life has been focused on reintroducing myself to Me, to how I think, feel, perceive, interpret, and simply BE within this plane. Part of this reeducation has...
What impact do your emotions have upon you?
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are feeling more grounded and graceful as we move towards the Taurus New Moon early Wednesday morning BST. This energy is calling us back to our bodies, minds, emotions, and the humanness within...
Lately, so many of us have been working through facets of identity, opening to surrender, seeking clarity, just about anything and everything to understand the next step. Most of my recent clients also report feeling exhausted, fed up, frustrated, a spectrum of what we would label as 'negative' emotions and feelings.
So much of my own healing process, and the work I do with others has been around resolving old, outdated, conditioned 'stuff'. We've worked to understand the wisdom within them, to take the good from the experiences, and to embody the positive.
And at this point, I feel that my questions are changing, along with my goals. Instead of seeking relief, or another answer that would...
How do you build a healthy relationship, part 2
Hello beautiful beings, I hope that you are navigating the beginning of eclipse season with grace! This Aries eclipse is a personal one, that may be working through your energy field, helping you to address your perception of yourself, to remember who you came here to be. (You're welcome to join us online 19 April to heal and evolve with the Aries Eclipse)
Today's newsletter is the second of three, addressing the relationships we create with ourselves and the world around us. (Review last week's blog here)
And today, I want to address the ways you want to feel...
We know that the way we feel has a profound effect on the way we perceive life, and our quality of experience. When we feel hurt, pain, shame, fear, it motivates us to act. But as we know, we can choose words and actions that do not align with integrity or respect when we come from a place of hurt.
Our 'negative' feelings are so important, because they let...
Hello human beings! I hope that your year has started with love, grace, and joy!
With aspects of the world unravelling and time unfolding in new and often unexpected ways, I am continually reminded that we chose an interesting time to exist in this world! Congratulations for your courage, you are here to help shape a new future.
We are currently held by a lot of Capricorn energy, which wants to support high ideals and standards, integrity and strength. We want to build cathedrals, inspiring works of art, what is holy and divine. With Capricorn, we want to build beauty, for now and the future. We dream bigger, bolder, but grounded in what will be of service, and have a lasting impact for good.
And with a full moon in watery Cancer, we connect more consciously with emotion and intuition, and it quickly becomes clear where our dreams match with our current state of being, and where they do not.
As human beings, we can have...
Hello beautiful beings! I just wanted to check in today, as we near the end of a year, and the end of the decade!
Are you ready to truly live a life that is aligned with your Purpose?
Are you prepared to make different choices, that will contribute to living a life of alignment?
Are you willing to challenge your beliefs, your habits, your paradigm, so that you can create something better?
Most people I know would answer ‘YES’ to each of those questions, but then stumble or struggle with the application. We often know which choices and actions would serve us, but fail to follow that wisdom. We can see the path, but end up going in circles instead.
I find that understanding your inspiration can help you to find your path and follow it with focus! We often need to remember the why in order to continue to choose.
To help you gain some clarity and some inspiration, here are a few points to ponder:
*How do you want to feel every day?...
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