How do you create opportunities for Expansion?

Hello beautiful beings!  We are currently between 2 eclipses, and heading deeper into Sagittarius Season!  This week is an ideal time to shed old skins, masks, roles, identities.  And as you create spaciousness within, you gain clarity to choose what will support and nurture you over the coming season.

Take time this week to sit and breathe.  Connect with your body and emotions.  Seek the deeper meaning in what you feel and what you experience.  The answers are within.

If we fight against, we become small and fixed.  But this is a time to expand.  Allow yourself to expand your mind, and what you think you know.  This is how we learn.

Allow yourself to expand your heart and the ways you experience life.  This is how we learn to shift our emotional states and the way we feel in this world.

Allow yourself to expand your focus and the ways you view others around you.  This is how we see beyond what can be seen.

Allow yourself to expand your body and the ways you move it.  This is how we stretch our comfort zones and strengthen spirit.

A few questions to support your enquiry...

* What have I always wanted to learn but limited myself through fear, lack, doubt?

* What have I wanted to explore (in myself or the world) that could enhance my human experience?

* What am I close to mastering, or willing to dedicate time and energy towards mastery?

* How can the fire within me burn brighter, more deeply, purifying, igniting a new paradigm?

Again, the answers are within.  Allow yourself the time and space to explore!




I am excited to share a new offer that I hope will help you to create more rhythm and flow in your life.

My new Seasonal Membership!:  This will begin with an event at the Solstice on 21 December, and run through the Equinox Ceremony on 20 March.  It will include each New & Full Moon Ceremony in between, monthly calls with me, discounted sessions, and a few other things to guide you through the depths of Winter (and beyond if you choose to continue into the Spring)!  My hope is that by joining me, our regular events will keep you connected to the cosmos, and shifts and cycles of the natural world.  You can learn more HERE


This is the perfect time to begin to plan and introduce support for a new season and a new year.  I would love to be a part of your process, please get in touch with any questions!


**I'll be holding ceremony online on Friday evening, join me then to expand your heart and world with the eclipse!


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