What would inspire you to take action today?

Over the past few weeks, I have held a lot of sessions and conversations around internal vs external action, and the difference in outcomes.

Many of us have been taking time 'out', or maybe more IN. There has been a lot of thinking through things, connecting with emotion, creating more awareness around motivations and expectations, and the connection between mind, heart, body. I know that a lot of answers have surfaced, 'aha moments' realised, and some settling and centering of energy. And it has been important to process through these and to bear witness to the internal resolution and healing that has been unfolding.

So what now? The temptation to continue to sit in the internal can pull us from active learning and healing into passive waiting or delay. And there is a fine line between conscious patience and planning, and avoidance of implementation of the learning.

As we move towards the Autumn months, we move towards the harvest, where we reap what we have sown over the past...

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